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The Academic and Career Advising Center (ACAC) , Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE), and Information Technology (IT) collaboratively administer the Graduation Exit Survey to recent UW-Stevens Point undergraduate and graduate degree recipients. Survey administration begins December 1 for fall and winter graduating cohorts and May 1 for spring and summer graduating cohorts. The survey remains open for five months.

Survey responses provide valuable information on graduates' career planning experiences while at UW-Stevens Point, career outcomes, salaries, employers, continuing education, and geographic location. Currently, the Graduation Exit Survey dashboard contain responses of graduates from academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24. The dashboard provides a snapshot of graduates as some did not participate in the survey and those who participated may not have responded to all survey questions. ​​​

For optimal view click here​ or se​lect full-screen icon at bottom right of dashboard. Full Screen.png​​​​​​​​​​​​
