Major/Minor Distribution Lists

The following distribution lists for declared Majors and Minors are available through UWSP's Outlook Address Book. 

Major (maj) distribution lists contain the addresses for all students currently declaring a given undergraduate or graduate major.

Majors by Subplan (majsp) contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major with a specific subplan.

Major by Class Standing (majcl) distribution lists contain the addresses for all students currently declaring a given undergraduate or graduate major by their class standing, i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Special.

Majors by Teaching Intent (majti) distribution lists contain the addresses for all students by class standing currently declaring a given undergraduate or graduate major, i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Special by their Teaching or Non-Teaching Intent.

Majors by Department (majdept) contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major associated with a department.

Majors by College (majcoll) contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major associated with a college.

Minor (min) contain the addresses for all students currently declaring a given minor.

Minors by Department (mindept) contain the addresses of all students that have declared a minor associated with a department.

Minors by Department (mincoll) contain the addresses of all students that have declared a minor associated with a college.

To ensure student privacy no one can see list memberships.

Who Can Use the Lists

Each department controls access to who can send to their lists.  Messages may be rejected if sent from an off-campus internet address or unauthorized UWSP account.

Requesting Permission to Email a declared Major/Minor Distribution List

For information on requesting access to email a Major or Minor distribution list see “How can I request access to email an automatically maintained distribution list?” on our Email FAQs page.

To request access to send to all UWSP major or minor lists for all departments, contact the Registrar's Office.

Email a Major or Minor Distribution List

From the Outlook Desktop app

  1. Create a new email.

  2. Click the To... button to open the Select Names dialog box.

  3. In the Select Names box, you can access Major and Minor distribution lists from two different areas:

    • In the Search box, type the desired Major or Minor list prefix followed by a dash ("-") followed by the Major or Minor abbreviation.*


    • Click the Address Book dropdown and select the type of list.*

      *See the section below, "Declared Major/Minor List Formats" for more information on list prefixes and how to search for a specific list type.

  4. Select the desired list(s). Ctrl+click to select non-contiguous lists. Shift+click to select a range.

  5. Click To, then click OK to address the email.

From the Outlook Web App

  1. Create a new email.

  2. Click To, then click the double-arrow, >>, at the left to display the Directory.

  3. Scroll down the Directory and select the desired category.

  4. From the category, click the “+” to the right of a list to add it to the To: line.

  5. Click Save at the top of the Directory to add the list address to your email.

Availability & Accuracy

All distribution lists are automatically available in Microsoft Outlook. The lists are updated every half hour from data supplied by the Office of the Registrar.

​Declared Major/Minor List Formats

Email Format: All Students Within a Major Lists

Major distribution lists contain the email addresses for all students currently declaring a given undergraduate or graduate major.

Selecting the right list(s)

List names begin with the prefix "maj-" followed by the Major plan code and any additional codes specific to the declared major.

The list names end with a "-UGRD" or "-GRAD" designation for undergraduate or graduate students.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"maj-" followed by the Major abbreviation to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department and the codes above to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.


Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Major Distribution List Name
Plan code: COMM
Plan code: COMM

Email Format: Major by Class Standing Lists

Major by Class distribution lists contain the email addresses for all students currently declaring a given undergraduate or graduate major by their class standing, i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Special and Graduate.

Selecting the right list(s)

Major by Class distribution list names begin with the prefix "majcl-" followed by the Major plan code and any additional codes specific to the declared major.  

The list name ends with a "-UGRD" or "-GRAD" designation for undergraduate or graduate students followed by an additional suffix of _FR, _SO, _JR, _SR, _SP or _GR. 

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"majcl-" followed by the Major abbreviation to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department and the codes above to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.


Major Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Example list names found
Plan code: BIOL



Plan code: COMM




Email Format: Major Lists With/Without Subplans

Major by Subplan distribution lists contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major with a specific subplan.

Selecting the right list(s)

List names begin with the prefix "majsp-" followed by the Major plan code and any additional codes specific to the declared major.  

The list names end with a "-UGRD" or "-GRAD" designation for undergraduate or graduate students.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"majsp-" followed by the Major abbreviation to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department and the codes above to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.


Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Example list names found
Plan code: SOC



Plan code: NRES

Email Format: Major by Class Lists With/Without Teaching Intent

Major by Class With/Without Teaching Intent distribution lists contain the addresses for all students currently declaring a given undergraduate or graduate major by their class standing, i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Special by Teaching (TI) or Non-Teaching (NT) intent.

Selecting the right list(s)

List names begin with the prefix "majti-" followed by the Major plan code and any additional codes specific to the declared major.  

The list names end with a "-UGRD" or "-GRAD" designation for undergraduate or graduate students followed by the class standing code _FR, _SO, _JR, _SR, _SP or _GR and a suffix of "-TI" for teaching intent or "-NT" for non-teaching intent.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"majti-" followed by the Major abbreviation to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department and the codes above to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.


Major Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Major by Class With/Without Teaching Intent Distribution List Name
Plan code: CHEM



Plan code: CSD

To email both teaching intent and non-teaching intent, use the Major by Class email distribution list.

Email Format: All Majors Within a Department Lists

Majors within a Department lists contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major, both undergrad and graduate, associated with the department. 

Selecting the right list(s)

A Majors within a Department list name begins with the prefix "majdept-" followed by the department Org code.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"majdept-" followed by the Department Org code to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.

​Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Example lists included
Org code: COMMDIS

Email Format: Majors by College Lists

Majors by College lists contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major associated with a college.

Selecting the right list(s)

A Majors by College list name begins with the prefix "majcoll-" followed by the College Org code.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"majcoll-" followed by the College Org code to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.

​Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Example lists included
Org code: COFAC


Email Format: All Students Within a Minor Lists

Minor distribution lists contain the email addresses for all students currently declaring a given  minor.

Selecting the right list(s)

List names begin with the prefix "min-" followed by the Minor name.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"min-" then begin typing the Minor name to narrow your search.

Use the codes provided by your department to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.


Minor Distribution List Name
Social Science
min-Social Science

Email Format: All Minors Within a Department Lists

Minors within a Department lists contain the addresses of all students that have declared a major with the department. 

Selecting the right list(s)

A Minors within a Department list name begins with the prefix "mindept-" followed by the department Org code.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"mindept-" followed by the Department Org code to narrow your search.

Use the code provided by your department to select the correct list(s).

Note: A list will only display in the address book if there are students in the category.

​Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Health and Human Development

Email Format: Minors by College Lists

Minors by College lists contain the addresses of all students that have declared a minor associated with a college.


Selecting the right list(s)

A Minors by College list name begins with the prefix "mincoll-" followed by the College Org code.

In the Outlook Address book Search, type:

"mincoll-" followed by the College Org code to narrow your search.

​Type into the Outlook Address book Search:
Org code: COFAC


​​ 100-list​
Have questions?  Contact the Service Desk.