​​Student Employees

For information regarding student employment eligibility on or off campus, visit Campus Activities and Student Engagement.

New Hire Paperwork

For the Main UWSP Campus: Bring New Hire Paperwork to Old Main Room 133

If you have an on-campus job, supply the following paperwork on or before your first day of work. Failure to provide this documentation will delay your position start date.

**If you have difficulty opening the forms:
  • Use Edge or Mozilla Firefox or as your browser to open the forms
  • The latest version of Adobe Reader may be needed
  • If the document does not open immediately, click on the Open With a Different Viewer button in your browser
  • If the document still does not open, upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader for Windows®, Mac, or Linux® by visiting http://www.adobe.com/go/reader_download
  • For more assistance with Adobe Reader visit http://www.adobe.com/go/acrreader
  • Still having issues? Visit: https://www.uscis.gov/i-9 to obtain the I-9 from UCIS directly.

Working Hours Guidelines

To be in compliance with the Affordable Care Act and state legislation, student employees can work a maximum of 25 hours per week total during the academic semesters. The hour maximum is per week not per pay period. If you have more than one campus job, you must coordinate your total hours working per week with all supervisors. Total hours per week include all jobs together.

Student employees may work up to a maximum of 40 hours per week during the non-academic semesters.

Conditions of Employment

All student employee positions are at-will positions and may be terminated at any time provided the reason is not prohibited by law. See the UW System Employment of Student Help policy for further information. UW-Stevens Point all institutional employment UWSP and University of Wisconsin System operational policies apply to student employees in the same manner as they apply to faculty and staff. Some specific policies of importance are the UWSP Workplace Conduct Expectations, Information Technology policies, and depending on the role, all or most of the Environmental, Occupational Health, and Safety policies.

All UW-Stevens Point employees are required to takeMandatory Employment Training (MET) courses, risk or safety management, and any additional training needed. Training course(s) are provided through UW System, an online vendor, and/or in-person. If you have a question about training, contact the UWSP department/person who assigned you the training or UWS Shared Services (for MET courses).

Most training requires refresher training, and the timeline for each training is communicated within the UWS or UWSP policy associated with the training(s).

If you have questions about a specific policy and/or your rights or responsibilities as a UWSP student employee, please contact Nora Boomer, Associate Director of HR at nboomer@uwsp.edu.

Time and Earnings

To learn how to enter and submit time, understand your earning statement, update direct deposit, and more, visit the  Time, Absence*, and Earnings page.

*Note, as a student employee you do not earn leave and absences are unpaid days.


As a student employee, you may request monies be deducted for a Tax-Shelter Annuity (403B program).

If you need health insurance, you may be eligible for the Federal Affordable Care Act Marketplace.

What is FICA?

Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) is what employees and employers pay to fund the Social Security and Medicare programs.

Student wages may be exempt from FICA, see theUWS Employment of Student Help Policy to learn more.

Need a Copy of Your W2?

​For Managers

Tips for Hiring Managers

Students are hired via Quest which can be accessed through Campus Activities and Student Engagement. Student employees are hired for either the academic year, per semester, or summer. Therefore, they need to be hired (or rehired) in Quest each "term". If a student works year-round, hire them for summer and do a separate Quest submission for the academic year. 

Hiring Compliance

When interviewing student employees, provide page 3 of I-9. Let the student know they will be required to bring their original document(s) from column A or B and C, if offered and hired for the position.

  • If the student will not have the original document(s) available and is offered the position, the start date must be delayed until the student has the original documents and is able to provide them with the new hire paperwork. This is in compliance with the USCIS (the federal agency which oversees employment eligibility compliance).
  • If you interview in spring but the student will not start until fall, ensure you contact students 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the semester to reconfirm they are still interested in working and reconfirm the need for the I-9 documentation.

Completing a Criminal, Financial, and/or Sexual Harassment Reference Check for Your Student Employees

A student employee must pass a criminal, financial, and/or sexual harassment reference check if the position they hold is a Position of Trust or a Position of Trust with access to Vulnerable Populations as defined under the UW System Administrative P​olicy 625: Youth Protection and Compliance.

Departments may choose to run a background check if a student position does not meet these requirements. Doing so must be based on the position and done for all candidates/offers.

Complete a Background C​heck request about 2-3 weeks prior to the student employee's start date. Do not have the student employee start work if the background check is not fully completed and they have passed.

Non-UWSP Students or Minors

If you are hiring a student employee who is not a UWSP student, use the Non-UWSP Student Quest Form to hire the student employee.

Considerations for Hiring Non-UWSP Students who are minors:

  • Additional rules and regulations need to be followed when hiring a minor, includingbut not limited to work permit requirements, limitations on the type of work and hours, break requirements, additional safety requirements.
  • If you are interested in hiring minors or posting a job for non-UWSP employees to consider who would/could be minors, please consult with Human Resources prior to posting or filling your position.
  • Background checks for those entrusted with the minor’s care (contact us for guidance), work limitations (no hazardous work allowed), etc. See the UWS Minors on Campus and UWSP Minor Protection and Adult Leadership webpage.


Work-study periods follow the academic year and summer months and align with the biweekly pay periods. 

Summer 2024: May 19, 2024 to August 24, 2024. 

2024 - 2025 academic year: The academic work-study award period starts on August 25, 2024 and ends on May 17, 2025.

Maximum Work Hours Ability​

Student employees can only work a maximum of 25 hours per week during fall and spring semesters. They can work up to 40 hours during winterim break and summer break. 

If the student employee has more than one position at UWSP, all hours worked count towards the threshholds above. Thus, it's critical to speak with your student employees to confirm if they have other employment at UWSP. If so, they cannot go above the hours listed above per week between all jobs held. Also, ensure your student employees know that they are responsible for notifying you if they get another job at UWSP after starting in your department. As needed, coordinate with their other supervisors to verify the student is not going beyond the hours work threshholds.

Student Employee Active/Inactive Status

When a student employee is not going to consistently work (i.e., not working for more than 2 pay periods), notify Human Resources at hr@uwsp.edu to notify us and end the student's employment. This helps ensure that only actively working student employees remain active in HRS. This supports compliance in a number of areas. Remember to rehire the student in Quest prior to the student starting work again.

Student employees who are hired for an ongoing role for the academic year in fall semester do not need to be rehired in Quest for spring semester.

Graduating Student Employees and Working Ability

If a student graduates in fall semester they cannot work past the start of the following spring semester. 

Example:​ Student graduates in December 2024. They cannot work past January 25, 2025.

If a student graduates in the spring semester they cannot work past commencement. 

Example: Student graduates in May 2025. They cannot work past May 17, 2025.

You may ask for approval for an exception to the above timeframes. To request an exception approval, email hr@uwsp.edu.

Student Staff Account Guidelines

Some student employees will need a student staff account. The requirements and guidelines for when a student employee needs a student staff account is located on the UWSP IT Account Requests webpage.

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