​Frequently Asked Questions

This page is updated as new FAQs come along. Please check back frequently!

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

What is FLSA and why is it changing?
​The Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA, is a federal law first implemented in 1938. The law governs federal minimum wage and overtime pay requirements and is administered by the Department of Labor.

As of November 15, 2024, a federal judge in the Eastern District Court of Texas ruled to strike down the Biden administration's FLSA overtime final rule. Effectively. it means that the July 2024 and January 2025 salary thresholds are no longer in effect.

To learn more about FLSA, visit 
​I'm newly non-exempt from the FLSA. What counts as time worked?
​The Department of Labor provides specific information about how to record time worked. See the resource "Time Worked Guidelines" on the Payroll Employee Self Service page.
Trainings were completed on this FLSA change.
FLSA Timesheet Training 7.1.24


​How do I change my tax/w-4 information?
Visit My UW, click the Payroll Information app/icon (right), click Update W4. Then update the appropriate information.

Payroll Info Icon MyUW.JPG PersonalInfo-MyUWSystem.png

​How do I change my direct deposit information?
Visit My UW, click the Payroll Information app/icon (right), click Update Direct Deposit. Then update the appropriate information.

Payroll Info Icon MyUW.JPG PersonalInfo-MyUWSystem.png

​How do I change a time approver?
Send an email to the appropriate payroll coordinator depending on the classification for the employee – see the list on Time, Absence, and Earnings page​
My personal information is listed incorrectly, how do I fix it?
If the information is your address, emergency contact information, the release of home information, marital status, Medicare information, and/or ethnic, veteran, and/or disability identities visit My UW, click the Personal Information app/icon (right), then update the appropriate information. 

​If the information is your name, appointment, or degree, this information can be changed via the UWSP Employee Self-Reporting System (ESRS) located in myPoint. Within the My Profile section, the myPoint landing page, click Change your information in the ESRS.

My timesheet is grayed out and I can't enter time for this time period. How do I enter my time?​
​​It may be that you started your position in the middle of a pay period and need to enter your time by day. Reference the UWS tip sheet for entering your timesheet by day via the UW Time and Absence resources.
How do I obtain my W-2?

Current employees can locate their W-2 through My UW.

For previous employees, W-2s are sent on or by January 31st each year. If you recently moved and/or did not update UWSP, ensure you work with the United States Postal Service to have mail forwarded to your new address. If you do not receive your W-2 by the end of February, contact us at hr@uwsp.edu.

You can request your past years' tax statements by completing the Duplicate Tax Statement Form

​When am I eligible for a pay increase?
There are several kinds of pay increases that occur on campus. ​Depending on the type of increase, eligibility is impacted by your employment category, your role, performance, years of service, and more. Therefore, the best person to speak with about pay increase eligibility is your supervisor. They can discuss the type of increase(s), eligibility timeframe(s), and factors specific to you. For more additional/formal information about pay increases, please see:

UWS Administrative Policy 1277 (formerly TC3) Compensation

UWSP Pay Determination Guidelines

UWSP Merit and Pay Plan Webpage

UWSP Career Development Webpage

​Where do I find the compensation adjustment form?

The compensation adjustment form is located on the UWSP HR Policies page.


I've had a baby/got married/got divorced/etc., how do I update my benefits?
​If you have a qualifying life event, contact Human Resources as soon as possible to ensure changes within the 30-day window. For more information, visit the UW System Benefits Page.

​How do I change my TSA (403b) online? 
​Within MyUW, click the Benefits app/icon (right). At the bottom of the page, click Update TSA (below). 




​If the applicant is a current employee, do I need to have them complete a background check?
​If the employee has had more than a 6-month break in their employment, if the background check was more than four years ago, or if the employee is currently a student employee, yes. To confirm, contact your HR Staffing Specialist.  

​How long will the position need to be posted for?  
The default posting time is 14 days for university, academic staff, and limited. 

The default posting time is 30 days for faculty.  

Longer posting periods can be requested.  

When can we start reviewing applications? 
​Once your screening tool is approved, individual committee members can begin to screen applicants with completed applications.  After the deadline listed in the posting has passed, the committee can review it as a group.


​I have had multiple absences from work and my manager said to contact HR. 
The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act (WFMLA) provides the right to take job-protected leave from work if your absences are due to a serious health condition. Visit the UWSP HR Family Medical Leave page to learn more. Contact the Human Resources Office for further explanation of FMLA benefits and to obtain application materials. Note: FMLA and WFMLA can also be utilized to care for qualified family members, a family member called military active duty, and birth/adoption.  


​I keep getting emails about required training; is this something I need to do? 
All active employees, including student employees, are required to complete compliance training as part of their employment at UWSP. The primary contact for compliance training sessions is UW System Shared Services. Their contact information is listed within the email you received. For questions about the training, technical assistance, and more contact them. Contact the UWSP Human Resources only if you are no longer an active employee at UWSP.


How do I verify employment? 
​Employment verifications are generally completed through The Work Number. Full information for employment verification can be located through the UWS Verifications of Employment webpage. Student Employee employment verification is completed through the Human Resource Office. A student employment verification request can be sent to jshearie@uwsp.edu.
How do I create a volunteer position?
Visit the UWSP HR Volunteers page.
I recently had a life change that impacted my name. How do I change my name with UWSP, UWS, and/or ETF?
Use the Name Change Job Aid (for FA and Staff) to update your name with UWSP, UWS, and/or ETF.
Where do I find a PAF (Personnel Appointment Form)?
The PAF-Personnel Action Form​ can be completed electronically. You will need to generate/request a PAF number to complete the form. There is a link within​ the PAF to go to the PAF Number Request.
I am looking for information on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)?
UWS provides a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program as a benefit. Use the information within this website to complete a Public Service Loan Forgiveness request.