Ergonomic Office Furniture Procedure
Step 1: Obtain approval from your department
All workers have the option to obtain ergonomic office furniture that meets their needs, but prior approval is required from the department. Workers' departments are responsible for the costs associated with purchasing ergonomic office furniture.
Step 2: Test out some of the sample ergonomic furniture
All of the sample ergonomic furniture is located in Old Main 116. The sample options available in Old Main 116 include four chairs and a sit-to-stand workstation. Most features on the sample chairs can be altered (i.e. seat size, headrest, armrest size and height).
Once you have found the ergonomic furniture that you wish to purchase, take note of the item or model name.
Step 3: Request a quote
Email the ergonomic furniture items that you wish to purchase to Sean Klimek ( and Kevin Erickson ( at the Bureau of Correctional Enterprises and ask for a quote. The representatives will construct a quote for the items you requested and return it to you for department approval and purchase.
If you were not able to find an ergonomic office furniture item that suited you, you can contact Sean Klimek and Kevin Erickson with the Bureau of Correctional Enterprises, or explore options here.
Step 4: Place your order
This step is the responsibility of your department. Using the quote the worker has received for the ergonomic office furniture, place an order with Sean Klimek and Kevin Erickson. Once placed, the order may take up to several months to fulfill.