International Resource Management Archives

Spring 2011

Perspectives on Global Protected Areas: People vs. Protection, Erin Cole

Wetlands: A Review - With Three Case Studies: The People's Republic os China, The United States of America, and Ethiopia, Aaron Marti

Spring 2010

Agroforestry in Review, Michael Delegan

Organizations Working in Mongolia to Assess and Produce Wind Generated Power, Kristin Mroz  

Spring 2009

Large Dams: Human and Environmental Benefits and Costs, Heidi Hull

Hybrid Hazelnuts: Midwest United States Agroforestry Applications, Martha Lippert 

Spring 2008

Community-Based Natural Resource Management: Case Studies from Community Forest Management Projects in Ghana, Mexico, and United States of America,  Lindsey Wood

Wind Power Case Studies: Germany, The United Kingdom, and China, Nathan Fleming

Approaches to Conserving Bee Polinators With Three Case Studies in Europe, Africa, and North America, Daphne Mayes

Environmental Education’s Role in Sustainable Development: Three Case Studies from India, South Africa & the United States, Scott Reilly

International Carnivore Conservation and Management With Three Case Studies in Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and Europe, Leslie Adams 

Spring 2007

Deforestation and Afforestation, A World Perspective, Elijah Kaberia Mujuri

Land Tenure, Two Cases Studies: Menominee Reservation & Mexican Ejidos, Marco Raul Hernandez

World Trade Organization (WTO) and Its Role In International Trade: With  Three Case Studies (Philippines, China and United States of America), Doris Karambu Kaberia