Under Section (b)1 of the Statute, you may be able to pay tuition at the resident rate even though your legal classification will remain nonresident at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, if you are a member of the armed forces stationed in Wisconsin on active duty or if you are the spouse or child of a person in the military under those conditions.
Similarly, under Section (b)2 of the Statute, members of the armed forces who are stationed within 90 miles of the borders of this state but are residing in Wisconsin and their spouses and children are entitled to exemption from nonresident tuition.
If you believe you can qualify for exemption from nonresident tuition under Section (b)1 or (b)2: Upon notification of admission to UWSP, please submit a letter to a residency specialist from your commanding office verifying that you, a spouse, or parent is stationed in Wisconsin at the present time. A determination of prospective eligibility for the tuition exemption will be made and you will be notified of your status. If it appears that you can qualify, you will be advised of the procedures you should follow, prior to your payment of fees, to have your fee assessment adjusted each semester to reflect resident rates.
Under Section (b)3 of the Statute, you may be able to pay tuition at the resident rate if you were a member of the armed forces for at least 10 years, honorably discharged from such service within four years before applying to the University, and filed Wisconsin state income tax returns for at least eight of the last 10 years of active duty, or you are the spouse or child of a person under those conditions.
Under Section (b)4 of the Statute, you may be able to pay tuition at the resident rate if you served on active duty under honorable conditions in the U.S. armed forces, or forces incorporated in the armed forces, except service on active duty for training purposes, and you meet one of the conditions in s. 45.0001(4)(a)1. a to d, and you are a resident for purposes of receiving benefits under ch. 45.
Qualification for Wisconsin state veteran benefits is determined by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs.
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UW System
The Choice Act of 2014
2017 Wisconsin Act 59