Will my benefits be automatically renewed once I'm initially set-up?

Yes, once initially established with UWSP's Veteran Services Coordinator, your military benefits will automatically be processed should your enrollment be continuous. Be sure to contact our office if you choose not to use your military benefits for a term and/or if you are changing the use of your elected benefits.​

How do I verify my enrollment?

​Only Chapter 30, Chapter 33, Chapter 1606, and Chapter 1607 students need to verify. You need to do this every month in order to get paid. The earliest you can verify is the last day of each month. 

You can either call 1-877-823-2378 or verify online at http://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/

Chapter 33 verification link: https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/isaksonroe/verification_of_enrollment.asp

If you are receiving benefits under Chapters 31 or 35, you do not need to verify.

I tried to verify my enrollment on WAVES, and the VA doesn’t have any record of me.

​First, check with our office to make sure you submitted a request for benefits for this semester. If so and we have submitted your enrollment certification to the VA already, it can take the VA 6-8 weeks to process the EC. If it’s been longer than 8 weeks and the VA still has no record of you, contact the VA at: 1-888-442-4551.

Your monthly verification needs to be done on the last day of each month,  if you try to verify before the last day, the VA will say there is no record for the student.

Why am I not getting paid the full amount?

​The VA only pays for classes that count for a major program, general education courses, and if the student has them, electives needed to achieve the 122 credits for graduation. If you are taking a class that is not required for any of the above reasons, the course is not approved and the VA does not recognize it.

How can I change my major?

​Fill out a 22-1995 Change of Program or place of training form to declare the new major with the VA. 

Can I pursue a minor or a double major?

​The VA no longer approves minors unless it is required by your major or you can complete the minor within the 122 credits required to graduate. The loop hole for minors is requesting a dual major in the subject you wish to minor in and only completing the minor requirements. To request a dual major, you just need to fill out the dual major request form through our office.

How can I notify the VA that I’ve dropped a course?

​Notify our office of any changes you plan to make to your schedule. A call or e-mail is sufficient.

Where do I take my paperwork for Tuition Assistance?

​You need to take any TA paperwork to the Student Financial Services office, SSC 003.

What happens if I fail a class?

​If you continue to attend the class and are given an "F" grade, the VA will not require you to repay the benefits you have received for that class. If you stop attending the class or are given a "W" the VA may require you to repay the benefits you have already received.

Will the VA pay for me to repeat a course?

​The VA may not pay the tuition or monthly housing allowance for a repeated course. Check with the Veterans Services Coordinator to see if the repeat will count towards your semester benefits.

Where can I get information about Wisconsin State Waivers?

​You can find information on the Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs website.

When will I get paid?

​It can take the VA 6-8 weeks from the time we submit enrollment certifications to process them and send out payments. You are also paid for the month prior. For example, you would receive October's payment in November, etc. If you are Chapter 30, 33, 1606, or 1607 you need to verify your enrollment each month in order to get paid.

Your monthly verification needs to be done on the last day of each month,  if you try to verify before the last day, the VA will say there is no record for the student.

What is advance pay?

​Only Chapters 30, 35, 1606 and 1607 are eligible for advance pay. The VA basically gives you the first month and a half of pay up front, usually a few weeks before the start of the semester to help buy books, supplies, etc. You have to request it at least 35 days before the start of the semester. See our office about requesting it.

I want to get my benefits started up again.

​Contact UWSP's Veteran Services Coordinator to initiate the process. Additionally, if it’s been more than a year, you will need to fill out a 1995/5495 change of program form with our office to re-activate your benefits.

How much money does the GI Bill pay?

​A list of payment rates for Chapters 30, 35, 1606 and 1607 are located here: 

The Post 9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) pays for the following:

  • Tuition and Fees (depending on percentage rating)
  • Housing Allowance (BAH) – If student is above half time (6.5 credits) they will receive the full amount. It is based on an E-5 with dependents. They can view the housing allowance rates here: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/perdiem/bah.html
  • Book stipend of up to $1000 per academic year

How do I set up direct deposit with the VA?

​Call this number with the VA to set up direct deposit: 1-877-838-2778.

How do I to switch to the Post 9/11 GI Bill?

​In order to switch to the Post 9/11 GI Bill, you have to apply for it. You can do so by going to the GI Bill website: http://www.gibill.va.gov/

You will want to consider the following before switching over:

  • How much entitlement you have left under the old GI Bill.
    • The VA does a 1 to 1 conversion meaning if you have 6 months of entitlement left under the old GI Bill, you will get 6 months under the Post 9/11.
    • If you exhaust all entitlement first under the old GI Bill, the VA will give you an additional 12 months under the Post 9/11 if you qualify.
  • It is best to contact the VA directly at: 1-888-442-4551 to determine which benefit is most beneficial for you and what you qualify for. Sometimes the Post 9/11 GI Bill isn’t always the best benefit.

How do I know which GI Bill I am eligible for?

​Our office cannot determine eligibility. You will need to contact the VA directly at: 1-888-442-4551 to find out which benefit(s) you are eligible for.

What if the VA pays my tuition late (Chapter 33)?

​Since we generally wait until the last day to add/drop to report tuition and fees, it is likely they will pay late. However, we work closely with Student Financial Services so late charges don't incur on tuition balances.

If I pay my tuition up front what happens with the tuition the VA is supposed to pay (Chapter 33)?

If you pay your tuition before the VA makes their payment, the VA payment will be refunded to you by Student Financial Services. However, you are not required to make any payments to your tuition until after the VA has made their payment.

When will I get my book money (Chapter 33) and how does that work?

The VA pays you book money based on the credit hours you are enrolled in. They have a per credit hour charge of approx. $42 so just multiply that by the number of credits you are enrolled in and that’s how much you can expect for a semester up to $1000 per academic year. This money is usually included in your first BAH housing payment.

How do I know if I am considered a veteran on the FAFSA?

The question on the FAFSA is: “Are you a veteran of the U.S. armed forces?”

According to the FAFSA website, you would answer “Yes” if you:

(1) have engaged in active duty (including basic training) in the U.S. armed forces, or are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee who was called to active duty for other than state or training purposes, or were a cadet or midshipman at one of the service academies


(2) were released under a condition other than dishonorable.

Answer “No” if you:

(1) have never engaged in active duty (including basic training) in the U.S. armed forces,

(2) are currently a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) student or a cadet or midshipman at a service academy,

(3) are a National Guard or Reserves enlistee activated only for state or training purposes, or

(4) were engaged in active duty in the U.S. armed forces but released under dishonorable conditions.

Please note: National Guard and Army Reserve members, if you have only participated in basic training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT), you will answer "No" to this question.

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