Fleet Services

The Fleet Services Work Unit provides a variety of Wisconsin state leased vehicles to be rented by students, UWSP organizations, and state employees for their travel needs while on university or state business. This offers individuals or groups low-worry transportation with insurance, gas, and maintenance provided. Our great staff and student employees handle all issues and customer inquiries with a smile and with ease.

The Facility Services Fleet Services Work Unit is located in Room 120 of the Maintenance and Materiel Building, 1848 Maria Drive. University fleet vehicles can be reserved at the Online Reservat​ion Request link anytime, or during the business hours of 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday at 715-346-2884.

**UW System Administrative Policy 616 "University of Wisconsin Student Drivers Under the State's Liability Protection" will be effective August 1st, 2021. For more information on this policy please see the UW System Administrative Policy 616.**

Reservation Request.png

Fleet Services have 26 vehicles that are leased from the Department of Administration.  22 are used as rentals for employees and students to travel for University or State business.  4 are used by University departments on campus. The University also owns 55 cars, trucks, vans, and buses that are used by departments such as the Fleet, CNR, Facility Services, Treehaven, Residential Living, The Centers, Dining, Theatre, Schmeeckle, Parking, and IT.  They are used for student transport, recycling, plowing snow, special events, etc.  In addition, there are several licensed slow-moving shuttles and electric vehicles that can be used on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods.

Packets must be picked up during office hours. Packets will no longer be available at Protective Services after hours.

For after-hours key drop off, our drop box is located on the east side of the M&M building, kitty-corner to the gas pumps, there is a key return slot marked with a purple sign to the right side of overhead garage door #22.​

General Information

• Online Reservation Requests

Vehicle Use Agreements

• Online Vehicle Use Agreement * Use your UWSP credentials to log in. This program works best in Chrome. You will be asked for a UDDs code, leave this field blank. You will get a message saying you cannot leave this blank, simply click ok and submit again.

If you are a student, you are required to add a supervisor, or it will be denied.  ​If you have issues adding a supervisor, please contact Tammy Henderson at thenders@uwsp.edu.​​​

Fleet Policies

• Fleet Services Policy

How many people do the types of vehicles in your fleet hold?

Subcompact    4
Sedan              5
Minivan            7

When can I pick up my vehicle and/or keys?

All vehicles, not key packets can only be picked up at the time requested.  All packets can only be picked up Monday – Friday 7:00am – 3:00pm. If you are leaving after 3:00pm make sure to pick up the packet before 3:00pm.  Key packets can be picked up the day of the trip. If you are leaving before 7am, the packet (not the vehicle) can be picked up the day before the trip.  If the trip falls on a weekend or before 7:00am on Monday, packets must be picked the Friday before the trip before 3:00PM.

Why do I need to fill out a Vehicle Use Agreement form?

State employees, authorized University of Wisconsin System students and other authorized agents of the state may be allowed to drive a state vehicle if the following minimum standards are met and approved by their employing agency:

• Must have a valid operator's license,     
• Must have minimum of two year licensed driving experience, and     
• Must be eighteen (18) years of age.     

State employees, authorized University of Wisconsin System students and other authorized agents of the state may not drive a state vehicle if their driving record reflects any of the following conditions:    

Three or more moving violations and/or at-fault accidents in the past two years     
• An Operation While Intoxicated (OWI)/Driving Under the Influence (DUI) citation within 12 months     
• Suspension or revocation of driver's license.

Where can I find out if I am authorized to drive?

Please click the link to search below. After logging into the system with your UWSP credintials, click on reports at the top of the page.

Search Authorized Drivers    

This is also the form you need to attach to TERs.

Where are you located?

Fleet Services is located in the Maintenance & Materiel Building Room 120. It is the northern most building on campus.

How/When do University vehicles get replaced?

Vehicles are replaced according to a schedule, the majority (sedans, subcompacts, small trucks and small SUVs) are replaced at 10 years, or 100,000 miles.  Larger vehicles, trucks, and large SUVs are replaced at 10 years or 120,000 miles.  All vehicles for a year are replaced at approximately the same time; it is either done through an annual state buy or through an inter-agency buy.  The vehicles that are replaced are then sold as surplus.

Other important things to remember...

  • Fleet Services hours are Monday – Friday 7:00AM-3:00PM

  • Bring your picture ID when picking up a vehicle or packet.

  • Only approved drivers can drive vehicles.

  • Only staff and students can ride in rental vehicles – no family members.

  • You can park your personal vehicle in the same spot you take your vehicle from.

  • You will not be able to take the vehicle until the time and date on the rental. (Someone else may be using the vehicle).

  • If you are leaving earlier that 7:00 am, or on a weekend you will need to pick up the key packet the day before the trip or Friday if the trip is on a weekend.

  • You can park a state vehicle anywhere on campus, except metered or handicapped spots.

  • If you have not used a vehicle before, please let us know. We will be happy to go over everything. It only takes a minute or two.

  • If you need to cancel a reservation it must be done at least 24 hours before the start time of the reservation or you will be assessed a daily charge of $24.00. Vehicles not picked up will also be charged a daily fee of $24.00.

  • In the event a vehicle comes back without the trip ticket completed or it is excessively dirty, there will be an additional charge of $15.00.    
  • All student Vehicle Use Agreement forms expire on May 31st of each year. If you have students working through the summer please contact Fleet Services to extend their expiration date.
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