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The Legacy Series

The Cornerstone Press has published new and emerging voices in fiction and nonfiction since 1984. We believe in the power of beginning a career, publishing a first book, and charting a new course. The Legacy Series seeks to promote new voices in fiction and nonfiction, especially those writers who are early on in their careers.

Recent Series Titles
O'Malley, Joseph. Great Escapes from Detroit, 2019. 256 pp.
Suhr, KimNothing to Lose. Cornerstone Press, 2018. 240 pp.
Davis, SusanneThe Appointed Hour. Cornerstone Press, 2017. 176 pp.

The Portage Poetry Series

Beginning in 2019, the press will publish a new or emerging voice in poetry each Spring season. A portage is a pathway, and to portage is to trek across that pathway to get from one place to another. We seek fresh perspectives and new pathways with the Portage Poetry Series, started in honor of the press's first poetry collection in 25 years: Kristine Ong Muslim's Meditations of a Beast (2016), named one of the Chicago Review of Books"Best Poetry Books of 2016."

Recent Series Titles
Dubrow, Heather. Lost and Found Departments. Cornerstone Press, 2020 [forthcoming]
Windwalker, Cassondra. The Almost-Children. Cornerstone Press, 2019. 102 pp.

Inaugural Series Title

Ong Muslim, Kristine. Meditations of a Beast. Cornerstone Press, 2016. 96 pp.

The Wisconsin Heritage Series

Cornerstone Press is committed to reprinting important and forgotten Wisconsin texts, as well as texts of the American Midwest, especially those published before 1924. New editions feature annotations, introductory historical essays, and forewords by contemporary scholars. 

Recent Series Titles
McCarthy, CharlesThe Wisconsin Idea. 1912. Cornerstone Press, 2019. xxx; 272 pp.

The J. Baird Callicott Environmental Humanities Series
Named for famed environmental ethics scholar J. Baird Callicott, this new series is a lecture and peer-reviewed book series designed to provide scholars the opportunity to reflect on environmental issues as they relate to the scholar’s academic area of specialization.  The goal of the series is to engage the community, faculty, and students through radical environmental awareness.  First, radical here is meant to capture that element of critical thought that breaks with the traditions and norms of society to offer new insights into ways of thinking about or approaching environmental issues relevant to local, regional, and nationwide issues.  Second, the environmental element is meant to keep the environment at the forefront of the discussion so that engagement with the ideas presented are about challenging traditional beliefs, encouraging positive change, and developing the tools necessary for community members to take action to bring about those changes.  Finally, awareness is central to the series because the lectures and subsequent book are meant to draw attention to developing issues in the field of environmental studies.  

The series publishes one volume per year and is directed and reviewed by an interdisciplinary editorial team and advisory board of full-time faculty in the humanities and social sciences at the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point.

Series Titles
1.  Jones, Clint. Ecological Reflections on Post-Capitalist Society. Cornerstone Press, 2018.
2.  Jones, Clint. Stranger, Creature, Thing, Other: Monstrous Reflections on Our Ecostential Crisis. Cornerstone Press, 2019. 
3.  Zinser, Jason. Living on a Dying Planet. Cornerstone Press, 2020. [forthcoming]

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