What is a fire drill?
A fire drill is a supervised practice of a mandatory evacuation of a building for a fire.
Can all campus buildings be tested at once?
Can you tell me what time my building will have the drill?
Only if you are in the first building on the list to be tested. Fire drills are conducted starting at a certain time and go building by building from there. Each building takes an unknown amount of time to conduct the drill as it is dependent upon how quickly people evacuate, the size of the building, any issues encountered when running the drill, etc.
Why do we hold fire drills?
Per UW System Campus Fire Exit Drill Policy, "all educational buildings on campus must hold one fire drill per year ..." To ensure effective campus evacuations it is necessary to conduct fire drills while classes are in session.
What do I do when the fire alarm sounds?
- Immediately evacuate building using nearest uninvolved exit. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. Close doors and windows as you leave. Take your personal property.
- Wheelchair users and people unable to exit via stairs should enter an enclosed stairwell and close the door. If possible, call 715-346-3456 to alert Police and Security of your location. If this were an actual fire, call 911 and request immediate assistance to evacuate.
- If you are teaching a class when the fire alarm sounds, instruct students to evacuate the building using the nearest fire exit. Remind students to take all personal property with them. Ensure all students in your class have evacuated before exiting.
- Do not return to building until a police or security officer gives the all clear. Cessation of the fire alarm does not indicate an “All Clear."
What is the fire alarm activation UWS policy?
UWS 18.10(4)(g) No person may remain in any university facility or on university lands when an audible or visual fire alarm has been activated or upon being notified by fire fighting, law enforcement or security personnel to evacuate.