Faculty Notification Letter (FNL)

Instructors are notified of a student’s eligibility via the Faculty Notification Letter (FNL). Students generate an FNL through the online DRC Connect accommodations portal. This arrives via email and shows a DRC staff member as the sender. Students are also copied on the email.

It is important that both student and instructor read the notification carefully for relevant information and instructions.

  • The FNL will include the class the student is enrolled in, the student’s name and ID number, and a list of eligible accommodations. DRC Connect views each course component (lecture, lab, discussion) as a unique class and students can generate a separate FNL for each.
  • Most accommodations include a short description. If instructors have questions about a specific accommodation, please call our office and talk with the staff member indicated.
  • When students generate their FNL, we hope they will “click” only the accommodations most relevant to their condition and the format of the course. However, sometimes students choose to notify their instructor of all their eligibilities.
  • There is also a place at the end of the notice for DRC staff to add any specific notes, please make sure to read those.
  • Students are expected to engage with their instructor to implement specific accommodations. In-person discussions are ideal but some accommodations might be efficiently coordinated via other communication means. Unless indicated on the FNL, faculty are not expected to implement any accommodations until the individual student or DRC follows up to initiate implementation. However, instructors should complete the Testing Agreement so that any subsequent exam requests can be handled in accordance with instructor expectations.   
  • Students taking courses with online assessments are directed to follow-up with their instructor(s) to confirm which quizzes, tests, or exams they want to implement accommodations. Instructors can then individually extend the durations through the administrative functions of Canvas.

How Does the DRC Qualify Students? What is DRC Connect?

Frequently Used In-Class Accommodations Explained