Through Continuing Education’s registration process, we collect parental online contact information (name, phone, email) to obtain your consent for your child/ward to attend our virtual camp. Your consent is required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information collected from your child/ward. Continuing Education will not collect, use, or disclose any personal information from your child without parental consent. In addition to your child’s/ward’s first and last name, we collect the following information:
- Home address
- Mobile phone number (if applicable)
- Birthdate of child
- Age of child
- Gender
- School attending
- Grade in school
To provide verifiable consent, the following forms need to be reviewed, printed, signed, and returned to Continuing Education by mail, fax, or electronic scan.
1. UW-Stevens Point Program Expectations and Parental Permission
2. Agreement for Assumption of Risk, Indemnification, Release, Precollege and Youth Virtual/Remote Program.
If returning by mail: UWSP-Continuing Education, 2100 Old Main Bldg., Room 032, Stevens Point WI 54481
If returning by fax: 715-346-3504
If returning by electronic scan: email Continuing Education at
If Continuing Education does not receive the two consent forms by June 30, 2021, we will delete your online contact information from our records, and your child will not be registered for camp. No refunds will be allowed for failure to provide the appropriate consent forms.
To review our privacy policies, click here.