Circles of Life2021.png
Educate and Empower Together | May 6-7, 2021
A Virtual Event via Zoom


We warmly welcome you to our first virtual Circles of Life Conference! In our 36th year, Circles is an opportunity for families and professionals to learn, grow, and connect. For those taking part for the first time, we are delighted you chose to join us.
We have an outstanding planning committee that meets year-round to ensure a thoughtful and carefully planned conference, and the focus of planning this year was no different. We are proud to offer the same high-quality, educational opportunities as in previous years and hope the virtual format provides an equally valuable experience. We appreciate the contributions of each presenter and thank each participant for sharing time with us.

Conference Session Recordings

Click to watch the recorded sessions

Due to technical difficulties some session recordings are not available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Exhibitor Visits

Elsie Shaw Auction

Did you win an auction item?  Thank you so much for your support!  Please click the button below to send your payment. 

Elsie Shaw Auction Button.png                    

Recorded Content


Recorded Keynote and  Sessions.png

*Please be aware not all sessions were recorded per the request of the presenter. 

​Wednesday, May 5

4-5:15 p.m. | Family Voices Listening Session (optional)


We want to hear from you!

Tell us what is working for your families and what could make life better as you care for your child with a disability or special health care need. Representatives from agencies and organizations that serve children will be part of this session to hear directly from families.

Thursday, May 6

9-10:15 a.m. | Welcome and Keynote "Nurture Your Nature" with Matt Glowacki

Click to watch a recording of Welcome and Keynote with Matt Glowacki   


Matt Glowacki, a nationally recognized civility speaker, will begin our conference. Matt's "Nurture Your Nature" presentation is an inclusive identity event that welcomes everyone and helps them better understand who they are, why they are, and what they want to be. His revolutionary approach to storytelling conceptualizes differences into common familiar struggles and builds empathy among different groups of people.

After Matt's presentation, participants will:

  • see past stereotypes and learn the importance of setting realistically high expectations for others.
  • understand why it is important to incorporate civility and empathy into interactions with others.
  • recognize how their own challenges shape their day-to-day perception of people.
Matt Glowacki finds himself straddling the two worlds he inhabits: the able-bodied one and the disabled one. Born without legs, Matt lived to the most of his abilities-just like everyone else. Matt offers a new way of thinking and a fresh perspective to his audiences, sharing his firsthand accounts of living a unique lifestyle. In his public speaking career, he helps people understand their own situation a little better and tries to explain why people act the way they do based on the challenges they are experiencing. Matt has owned three different businesses and worked for a Fortune 50 corporation but today, his primary occupation is public speaking through his company Myriad Communications. Matt has developed interactive programs to encourage everyone to engage and interact with others who are different from them, and his goal is to teach individuals not to fear interacting with diverse individuals but to be excited about the potential of others.

Matt is the most-booked diversity speaker on college campuses for the past 10 years and has earned accolades such as Campus Activities Magazine's 2014 Best Speaker and the Best Diversity Artist for 2010 and 2013. He has gained recognition having played on the USA Paralympic Sitting Volleyball team for eight years and participating in the 2000 Paralympics-Australia. He is an active member of the disabled community yet considers himself capable to doing what any able-bodied person can do--just in a different way.

10:30-11:30 a.m. | Break Out Session A1-A6

A1  Nurture Your Nature: Small Group Discussion with Matt (Keynote Speaker) - Matt Glowacki 

Click to watch a recording of Nurture Your Nature: Small Group Discussion with Matt 

Did you feel inspired by Matt's keynote?  Come talk with Matt in a smaller group to ask questions and hear more about his experiences and ideas for making our world more accepting and inclusive.

A2  Medicaid Made Easy - Barbara Katz

Click to watch a recording of Medicaid Made Easy 

Are you confused by Medicaid and what your child's ForwardHealth card can pay for? Be confused no more! Come to this session to learn how to use Medicaid, what it pays for, and how to navigate roadblocks that might come your way.

Handouts: Medicare Made Easy     Medicaid Fact Sheet     Medicaid Made Easy Resource List

A3  Deciding Together: A Collaborative Process for Families in the CLTS Program - Mary Schmierer, Tara Sommersberger, and Regena Floyd

Click to watch a recording of Deciding Together: A Collaborative Process for Families in the CLTS Program


Learn about Deciding Together, a collaborative decision-making process used in the Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver program to develop individualized service plans for children and their families. This session will provide an introduction to the 5-Step Deciding Together process.

Handouts: Deciding Together: A Collaborative Process for Families in the CLTS Program    Children and Family Program Specialist Assignment Map

CLTS Manual     DHS Publication: Benefits at a Glance     DHS Publication;  Deciding Together

A4  Sunny Side Up: The Importance of Tending to Self - Laura Spoerl

We apologize.  This session has been cancelled.

No two bodies are the same, regardless of challenges and limitations. With all of the demand and attention, disability asks of individuals, families and professionals, exploring the depths, understanding the importance of, and caring for our body, mind, and spirit becomes crucial. Come in with a desire to better the personal lives of ourselves and loved ones and walk away with a refreshed outlook and tools for change. 

A5  The IEP Checklist: A New Resource for Families - Bonnie Vanderveulen and Matthew Zellmer

Click to watch a recording of The IEP Checklist: A New Resource for Families 


This session is a walk-through of the IEP process using the IEP checklist, a new resource developed by WI FACETS for families. We will present information on timelines, rights, preparation, and more. A free checklist will be given. 

Handouts:  The IEP Checklist    The IEP Checklist Handout     WI Facets 2021 Training Calendar

A6  Employment First in Action: Community-Based Employment Experiences - Megan Rindal

A recording of Employment First in Action: Community-Based Employment Experiences is not available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Hear stories directly from Employment First Ambassadors who have achieved community-based employment and learn about their journeys. This session is designed to share strategies, supports, and provide hope to families and young people with disabilities on how they can reach their employment goals.

Handouts:  Employment First in Action: Community-Based Employment Experiences     APSE Fact Sheet; Employment First

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Exhibitor Visits/Lunch Break

Click the button below to enter the Virtual Exhibit Hall.

Virtual Exhibit Hall will open on Wednesday, May 5 at 4:00 p.m.

12:30-1 p.m. | Awards Ceremony

Come back soon to watch a recording of Awards Ceremon 


Outstanding Parent Award

The Kasidhe Olson Outstanding Parent Award recognizes a parent who has made outstanding efforts to improve the lives of families with children with disabilities in their community. This award is given in memory of Kasidhe Olson who was loved by many and whose family volunteered at the Circles of Life Conference for many years.

Outstanding Professional Award

The Elliot Shaw Outstanding Professional Award honors a professional who goes above and beyond the call of duty to assist families of children with disabilities. Elliot Shaw (son of Elsie) passes away from cancer. Elliott left a small amount of money to the Elsie Shaw Scholarship Fund. These funds go to pay for families who have been impacted by cancer.

Educator Advocate Award

The Barb Breen Educator Advocate Award recognizes someone from the education field who has worked to support inclusion and leadership development in schools. This award honors Barb Breen, a long-time advocate, who passed away suddenly in 2003. Barb was involved in many activities in the disability community. She was the statewide WSPEI coordinator, a Parents in Partnership (PIP) facilitator and a Special Olympics coach.

1-2 p.m. | Break Out Session B7-B11

B7  Family Conversations About Supported Decision Making - Beth Swedeen and Lisa Pugh

Click to watch a recording of 
Family Conversations About Supported Decision Making 


The process of guardianship is one that should be considered as a last resort, yet often it is the first option presented to families or is what families have always thought they must do. This session will discuss the common myths about what guardianship does (or doesn’t) accomplish and share creative ways to spark the necessary conversations with families and caregivers. Leave with a better set of tools to help families better understand alternatives to guardianship including ways to support their loved ones to retain essential rights that promote independence and improve quality of life.

Handouts:  Family Conversations About Supported Decision Making

B8  A Tale of Two Conversations: Communication Skills for Parents Who Are New to the Special Education Process - Nelsinia Ramos

Click to watch a recording of A Tale of Two Conversations: Communication Skills for Parents Who Are New to the Special Education Process - in Spanish 


Parents: While your knowledge, skill, and confidence will naturally increase throughout time, there are some specific communication skills that can help you be most successful in developing and maintaining a strong partnership with your child’s school. Learn about barriers to communication and personal conflict styles to develop and maintain partnerships with schools and other systems. 

HandoutsUna Historia de Dos Conversaciones      HO Volante2 - Cuestionario       HO Volante2 - Cuestionario (003)

B8  Una Historia de Dos Conversaciones: Habilidades de Comunicación para los Padres que son Nuevos en el Proceso de Educación Especial - Nelsinia Ramos

Click to watch a recording of Una Historia de Dos Conversaciones: Habilidades de Comunicación para los Padres que son Nuevos en el Proceso de Educación Especial

Padres: Mientras su nivel de sabiduría, maestría, y confianza incrementaran con el paso del tiempo, hay tipos de habilidades comunicativas que lo pueden ayudar a ser exitoso en aprender y mantener una buena relación con la escuela de su hijo. Aprenda acerca de los bloqueos comunicativos y estilos de conflictos personales para desarrollar y mantener una asociación con escuelas y otros sistemas. 

HandoutsUna Historia de Dos Conversaciones      HO Volante2 - Cuestionario       HO Volante2 - Cuestionario (003)

B9  Shared Plans of Care and Exploring Care Mapping - Harrison Anderson and Allison Lourash

Click to watch a recording of Shared Plans of Care and Exploring Care Mapping

A Shared Plan of Care is a summary of your child’s medical and non-medical information and may be used as a tool for communication. Learn more about the benefits of having one and how to work with your provider to develop one. A Care Map is a visual way to show all the people and services involved in caring for and supporting your child. Each family’s care map may look different; you decide how many details to include.

Handouts:  Shared Plans of Care and Exploring Care Mapping

B10  Building a Community for Your Child (ASL interpreter available) - Bonnie Eldred

A recording of Building a Community for Your Child is not available.  We apologize for the inconvenience.


Join us for an interactive panel discussion with several parents that have worked to build a school community for their child. Learn first-hand from their experiences and suggestions. Parents will share their creative suggestions on how to improve school and community interactions for your child. 

Handouts: No handouts were provided for this session.

B11  Understanding Special Education - Tiffany Lisk and Caroline Rossing 

Click to watch a recording of Understanding Special Education 

This session will help families understand the resources and information available from WI DPI to help families more fully engage in their child’s IEP process.

Handouts:  Understanding Special Education      Understanding Special Education Handout

2-3 p.m. | Exhibitor Visits

Click the button below to enter the Exhibitor Hall page.  

Virtual Exhibit Hall will open on Wednesday, May 5 at 4:00 p.m.

3-4 p.m. | Break Out Session C12-C17

C12  Does This Treatment Work? - Pamela Terrell

Click to watch a recording of Does This Treatment Work? Becoming A More Informed Consumer   

This presentation will inform attendees about the importance of being an informed consumer of treatment. Guidance for identifying “red flags,” instruction in understanding simple research, and suggestions for questions to ask will be provided.

Handouts:  Does This Treatment Work

C13  Developing Employment Preparedness: It's Never Too Early - Robert Meyer

Click to watch a recording of Developing Employment Preparedness: It's Never Too Early  


What factors play most heavily into an individual’s employment success? For children with disabilities, the most powerful predictors of employment include high expectations, early work experiences, pre-employment training and collaboration among team members. This session will discuss current research, best practices, and training. Learn to create a path to employment resulting in greater inclusion.

Handouts:  Developing Employment Preparedness

C14  Autism-Seeing the World From a Different Perspective - Dakota Maynard and Peggy Maynard

Click to watch a recording of Autism-Seeing the World From A Different Perspective

Learn first hand about autism from Dakota Maynard. Growing up on the autism spectrum, Dakota shares stories from his life. Through his life time experiences, he hopes to educate others about this developmental disorder.

Handouts:  No handouts were provided for this session.

C15  How to Forgive in an Unforgiving World - Tim Markle

A recording of How to Forgive in an Unforgiving World is not available.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

What is forgiveness? Why is it so hard? We have all had the chance to be hurt by someone. Sometimes those hurts turn into anger, stress, and depression. We try different ways to put it behind us, to forget about it, to get even, to dull the pain—but what if it doesn't work? We will learn how forgiveness should be considered an option. Come learn the basics of forgiveness and how it fits into maintaining a healthy life. 

Handouts: How to Forgive in an Unforgiving World

C16   Helping Coordinate Your Wishes for Their Future - Bob Johnston

Click to watch a recording of 
Helping Coordinate Your Wishes for Their Future 

What will happen to your child when you are no longer around to care for them? How does the ABLE Act of 2014 impact their life? This session will help families plan for the financial future of their child with special needs. It will cover estate planning, guardianship, wills & trusts, and letter of intent. Not your typical discussion of financial planning products and services. The presenter draws from personal experiences as both parent and patient.  

Handouts:  No handouts were provided for this session.

C17  Creating Accessible Theater - Katie Cummings and Mary Stone

A recording of Creating Accessible Theater is not available. We apologize for the inconvience.

For over seven years, Mary Stone and Katie Cummings have combined special education and theater arts to create theater that is accessible for all. Theater innately teaches us social awareness, decision making, and empathy. This collaborative art form encourages empathy, critical thinking, and use of imagination. We will give you tools to take back to engage individuals who identify with a disability through theater arts. Join us for this interactive workshop.

Handouts:  Creating Accessible Theater

4-4:20 p.m. | Elsie Shaw Auction Winners Announced

Did you win an auction item?  Thank you so much for your support!  Please click the button below to send your payment. 

Elsie Shaw Auction Button.png

Elsie Shaw Auction Winners!

Item Highest Bid First Name Last Name
2019 Green Bay Packers autographed football $80 Sheila Bannister-Gross
2020 Green Bay Packers autographed football $90 John Shaw
Aaron Jones - Autographed Football $275 Kevin Hayde
Animal Ark Assorted books $1 Jeremiah Swisher
Animal Ark Pets Assorted books $5 Lynnea White
Atlanta Braves Sweatshirt - Size XL $10 Chrissy Nelson
Baby Mouse Books $1 Jeremiah Swisher
Bee and Butterfly Bombs $42 Linda Rowley
Butterfly Necklace and Earring Set $25 Nelsinia Ramos
Calloway Fleece Performance Jacket $9 Sally Castex
Cooperative Game - Codenames -- Harry Potter $16 James Giese
Cooperative Game - Forbidden Desert $22 Val Madsen
Cooperative Games - EXIT $30 Carla Winter
Crofton 6 piece Coaster Set $7 Linda Rowley
Festive Cork Wreath $25 Jeremiah Swisher
George Foreman Hot Metals $26 John Cauthen
Georgia Southern Dri-Fit Long Sleeve Tshirt $5 Chrissy Nelson
Gift Basket - Florida $22 Linda Rowley
Gift Basket - North Carolina $42 lauri morris
Gift Basket - Pacific Northwest Breakfast $100 Barry Shaw
Gift Basket Minnesota: Coffee, staying warm, lakes $35 Lynn Renner
Gift Card - Applebee's $15 Nelsinia Ramos
Gift Card - BP $20 Nelsinia Ramos
Gift Card - Total Wine & More $62 Bob Shaw
Gift Cards - Barnes and Noble $20 Casey Hanson
Gift Cards - Darden Restaurant Group $20 Kelly Manthey
Gift Certificate - 107 State Street Pub ($100) $100 Barry Shaw
Gift Certificate - Baker House $300 Barry Shaw
Gift Certificate - Wilderness Resort $135 Lynn Renner
Gratitude Journal and $5 Starbucks Gift Card $10 Pam DeLap
Hand knit baby blanket $20 Donna Loew
Hand Woven Swedish Blanket $60 Lynnea White
Handblown Glass Vase $200 Barry Shaw
Handmade Blanket $18 Lori Karcher
Handmade Blanket $25 Bob Shaw
Handmade Blanket $15 Lori Karcher
Handmade Blanket $15 Lori Karcher
Handmade Blanket $10 Lori Karcher
Handmade Jewelry - Necklace & Bracelet $15 Deb Ramacher
Handmade Jewelry - Set of 3 Bracelets $20 Donna Loew
iPad Air 2 Wifi $260 Nelsinia Ramos
LEGO 1500 Piece Classics Bricks $38 Wynne Cook
Men's Golf Shirt $10 Chrissy Nelson
Minnesota Makers $25 Timothy Markle
Minnesota Snoopy, Snacks and Stickies $15 Deb Ramacher
Packers Twin Bedding Set $25 Sheila Bannister-Gross
President John F. Kennedy Talking Action Figure $20 Sheila Bannister-Gross
Scrubbies by Ruby Shaw $10 Pam DeLap
Scrubbies by Ruby Shaw $10 Pam DeLap
Scrubbies by Ruby Shaw $5 PAT LUND-MOE
Scrubbies by Ruby Shaw $15 Wynne Cook
Scrubbies by Ruby Shaw $20 Meg Steimle
Scrubbies by Ruby Shaw $20 Sheila Bannister-Gross
Usborne Young Puzzle Books $3 yvonne truckey
What Matters: Reflections on Disability, Community $17 Ann Oven
Wisco Pizza Oven $105 Linda Rowley
Wisconsin Badgers Women's Hoodie $25 Meg Steimle

6-7 p.m. | Teen Hangout (sponsored by the Autism Society)

Facilitators: Brittany Meyers and Allie Tasch, Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin

Teens can join us for chat and activities at the end of the day.  All teens participating in the conference are encouraged to attend and participate.

​Friday, May 7

9-10 a.m. | Break Out Session D18-D22

D18   Share Your Story and Your Experiences With the Birth to 3 Program and Their Interagency - Sarah Johnson and Regena Floyd

Click to watch a recording of Share Your Story and Your Experiences With the Birth to 3 Program and Their Interagency 

The mission of the Birth to 3 Program ICC is to advise and assist the Wisconsin Department of Health Services with the implementation of an effective early intervention system.  The ICC membership is a combination of governor-appointed parents and professionals. Every year, an ICC meeting is held at the Circles of Life Conference as an opportunity to outreach with parents and professionals.  Please consider attending the ICC meeting while at the Conference and hear about the work of the ICC.

Handouts:  Share Your Story and Your Experiences With the Birth to 3 Program and Their Interagency

D19  Dating, Sex, and Autonomy - Jordan Mason and Ellen Merker

Click to watch a recording of Dating, Sex, and Autonomy 


Teens with disabilities are like all other teens in their desire to explore dating and their sexuality. These conversations are often difficult for parents and caregivers to navigate. We will discuss common concerns we hear from parents, as well as how initial instincts to exert more control can actually make teens less safe.

Handouts:  Dating, Sex, and Autonomy

D20  Goals for Children: Helping Families and Children Create Goals - Becky Burns

Click to watch a recording of Goals for Children: Helping Families and Children Create Goals  

Everywhere parents turn, they are asked about goals. We created 39 goal cards intended to help with this challenge. During this workshop, we will share the process of creating these goal cards and how they are now part of an interactive website for parents. 

Handouts: Goals for Children: Helping Families and Children Create Goals

D21  Why Don't I Have Friends to Play With? - April Doebert-Fischer and Nicole Boyington

A recording of Why Don't I Have Friends to Play With? is not available.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

The presentation discusses the role and purpose of social skills for children with and without disabilities.

Handouts:  Why Don't I Have Friends to Play With?

D22  Identity Theft: How to Protect Your Loved Ones (of Any Age) - Chastity Hartl

Click to watch a recording of Identity Theft: How to Protect Your Loved Ones (of Any Age)  

Every two seconds another person’s identity is being stolen and those with disabilities (children included) are extremely vulnerable. During this session, we will talk about why it's so important we take the time to protect them (and yourself) and the best way to do that.

Handouts:  Identity Theft     Minor Security Freeze Request Form     Experian-Minor Freeze Request Form     Transunion Credit Freeze   
                   Minor Credit Freeze Document Checklist

10-11 a.m. | Exhibitor Visits/Break

Click the button below to enter the Virtual Exhibit Hall.  

11 a.m.-Noon | Break Out Session E23-E28

E23  Build Your Bridge: Transitioning From Pediatric to Adult Health Care - Tim Markle

Click to watch a recording of Build Your Bridge: Transitioning From Pediatric to Adult Health Care 

This is a conversation to help guide families through the transition from child-centered to adult health care systems. Youth and families are often overwhelmed and under-prepared for the transition to adult health care. This presentation will introduce and discuss when to start thinking about health care transition as well as provide helpful tools and resources.

Handouts: Build Your Bridge: Transitioning From Pediatric to Adult Health Care

E24  Effective Practices when Respite is Provided to Latino Families - Hector Portillo

Click a recording of Effective Practices When Respite is Provided to Latino Families 

Positive relationships with families in need of respite start with a safe, trusting, culturally responsive environment in which all are empowered to have open conversation, share personal information, and create authentic connections. Participants will understand the dynamics of communication including environment, non-verbal communication, message, and culture to effectively partner with families of Latino Heritage.

Handouts:  Effective Practices when Respite is Provided to Latino Families

E24  Practicas Efectivas cuando Respite (Respiro Familiar) es proveído para Familias Latinas - Hector Portillo 

Click to watch a recording of Practicas Efectivas cuando Respite(Respiro Familiar) es proveído para Familias Latinas 

Relaciones positivas con familias que necesitan Respite empiezan con un ambiente de confianza, cultural, y sano en el cual todos son incentivados a tener conversaciones abiertas, compartir información personal, y crear conexiones autenticas. Participantes comprenderán la dinámica de la comunicación, incluyendo el ambiente, comunicación no verbal, mensajes, y cultura para juntarse con familias Latinas.

Handouts: Practicas Efectivas cuando Respite (Respiro Familiar) es proveído para Familias Latinas 

E25  How to Deal With Negative People and Keep From Becoming Negative Yourself - Michael Weber

A recording of How to Deal With Negative People and Keep From Becoming Negative Yourself is not available.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

Negative people are tremendous energy drainers for children, other adults, and themselves. Learn how to deal effectively with negativism and increase your own positive approach to people and everyday life challenges. 

Handouts:   How to Deal With Negative People and Keep From Becoming Negative Yourself

E26  In English-A Tale of Two Conversations: Communication Skills for Parents New to the Special Education Process - Nelsinia Ramos

Click to watch a recording of Communication Skills for Parents New to the Special Education Process

Parents: While your knowledge, skill, and confidence will naturally increase throughout time, there are some specific communication skills that can help you be most successful in developing and maintaining a strong partnership with your child’s school. Learn about barriers to communication and personal conflict styles to develop and maintain partnerships with schools and other systems.

Handouts:  A Tale of Two Conversations   Conflict Management Styles Assessment      Five Conflict Management Styles     
                                                                   Steps to Success: Communicating with Your Child’s School

E27  Life Care Planning for Special Needs - Brett Bauch

Click to watch a recording of Life Care Planning for Special Needs

In this presentation, we will discuss ten steps to life care planning for individuals with special needs.

Handouts:  Life Care Planning for Special Needs

E28  Therapeutic Foods for Special Needs - Sandy Durand

Click to watch a recording of Therapeutic Foods for Special Needs  

This session will be a family-friendly, science-based discussion of therapeutic food choices for optimizing nutrition, moods, and overall wellness. Learn the positive and negative effects of common ingredients. Boost the benefits of your dietary choices.

Handouts:  Therapeutic Foods for Special Needs     Food Sources of Nutrients Beneficial for Special Needs

12:15-1 p.m. | Slide Show / Door Prizes / Wrap Up

Thank you for joining the conference!  See you next year! 

​Saturday, May 8

10-11:30 a.m. | Sibshop (ages 8-12) - Pre-registration Required

This is for siblings ages 8-12. Pre-registration was required.

Sibshops are celebrations of the many contributions made by sisters and brothers of kids with special health or developmental needs. As a registered Sibshop of WisconSibs, Inc., this workshop for "typical" siblings ages 8-12 provides lively, age-appropriate activities and relaxed discussions about the challenges and joys of having a sibling with disabilities.

​​ ​

Minimum Computer Requirements

Participants are responsible for ensuring they have the minimum computer standards for participating in the virtual conference via Zoom. Zoom works best with Chrome or Firefox. UW-Stevens Point and Circles of Life are not responsible for participant technological issues, including but not limited to, inadequate bandwidth and/or registrant equipment malfunction.  

Click here to download Zoom Client for Meetings.  
Need help using Zoom?  Click here for our Zoom Tutorial help page.

If you have technical difficulty on the day of the conference, please email If email is not an option for you, you can call 715-346-4069 and leave a message. We will do our best to return your call promptly. 

​​Keepsake Booklet


Click on booklet to print!

Evaluate the Conference

Do you have thoughts, ideas, comments, and/or suggestions? Please provide your feedback! The Circles of Life Conference Planning Committee appreciates constructive comments and suggestions as we plan for future conferences.


 Plan the 2022 Conference!

If you enjoyed this year's conference, please consider joining the Conference Planning Committee! The committee decides on the keynote, selects sessions, our Family Fun Night activities and more.  We meet virtually or over the phone monthly - contact Lynn Renner if you are interested. 

​Save-the-Date-2022 Conference

If your child is covered by the Children's Long Term Support Program, Birth to 3, or the Children's Community Options Program you can request that your child's plan cover the cost of registration. Talk to your child's service coordinator!  If your service coordinator isn't familiar with the conference, contact us on the Circles of Life conference website. 

 Frequently Asked Questions


​Continuing Education Hours

Professionals are eligible for 6.0 Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) endorsed by UW-Stevens Point Department of Sociology and Social Work. It is the individual's responsibility to report CEHs earned to their appropriate credential or licensing board.

Continuing Education  Hours Form.png

​Thank You Circles of Life Sponsors!


​Contact Information 

Continuing Education's on-campus office hours are limited to Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30-4:30 p.m., as staff continues to work remotely during the pandemic. For assistance with registration, please email Customer Service at uwspceweb@uwsp.eduFor program information, concerns, or questions, please email