Curriculum Committee (CuC)

Chair: James Berry, 2024-2024, Curriculum.Committee@uwsp.eduPlease check here for committee membership​. (Committee memberships are listed by acronym at the bottom of this Excel Workbook. Requires a logon.)

Scope and Authority: 

  1. The committee shall have the authority to make recommendations on matters and policies related to the undergraduate curriculum, including:
    1. Majors, minors, new and unique course sequences, and certification programs; and changes in title of academic disciplines and of curriculum programs.
    2. Any changes in majors, minors, unique course sequences, and curriculum programs; department- and program-level academic standards and graduation requirements; new courses, experimental courses, changes in number, title, credit, description, and prerequisites of courses.
  2. On all matters, the committee shall, before taking any action, solicit the opinions of the respective dean(s) and consider budget implications. 
  3. On all matters which pertain to teacher preparation or certification, the committee shall, before taking any action, solicit the advice and recommendation of the Teacher Licensure Officer.
  4. On all matters which require UW System approval, the committee shall, before taking any action, solicit the questions, comments and opinions of the provost.

The Teacher Licensure Officer on the Curriculum Committee, will:

  1. Review those policy matters which are referred to it by the Curriculum Committee, in order to certify that such proposals are consistent with Wisconsin standards for certification, and report its recommendations to the Curriculum Committee.
  2. In accordance with Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction policies, review certification programs and the interaction of program requirements, and report its findings and recommendations to the Curriculum Committee, with recommendations for distribution to other appropriate bodies.
  3. Recommend policies affecting teacher education, review policy matters pertaining to accreditation of teacher certification programs, and report its recommendations to the Curriculum Committee.
  4. Develop and periodically review criteria for admission to professional education programs.
  5. Develop and periodically review policies concerning the evaluation and professional performance of graduates of teacher certification programs. 

 Please see the Forms and Resources page for curricular forms and other information.

Procedures for submitting proposals to Curriculum Committee

  1. Once a department/division/unit has voted to proceed with a particular curriculum proposal, it should be forwarded to their respective Dean's Office for review and signature.
  2. The CuC will no longer accept proposals from individual departments/divisions/units. The following representatives are the only persons the CuC will accept curriculum proposals from:
    • COFAC: Dean
    • CNR: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 
    • CPS: Associate Deans
    • COLS: Assistant Deans
    • UCOL: Dean
  3. The signed proposal should then be sent directly to the CuC for review at
  4. Proposals are then reviewed by CuC advisory members for catalog and handbook accuracy and completeness. 
  5. If there are no corrections or clarifications needed, the CuC advisory members move the proposal to the Curriculum Committee Chair.
  6. When revising majors, minors, courses, or competencies, please make sure to use the most current catalog text​
  7. The proposal is then placed on a future agenda for consideration by the full Curriculum Committee.
  8. Please note, if an electronic signature is used, only the document with the electronic approval signature need be submitted. If the signature is handwritten, in addition to the document, a PDF version showing the approval signature is also required.   
  9. Format for proposals is strike-out for deleted text and underscore for new text.
  10. When copying/pasting catalog text, click on "print-friendly page" in the upper right corner, copy desired text from the print-friendly page, and paste "text only" to remove all Acalog formatting.
  11. Authors of curriculum proposals should be present (or have someone else represent the department or division) to answer potential questions from the committee. Actions will no​t be taken without a representative present.

If you need to reach out to other departments to notify them of proposed changes, you can find a list of chairs on the Academic Affairs website.

Given the previous steps are followed correctly, the timeline for the proposal should be as follows.

All curriculum proposals are due to Curriculum Committee and/or Graduate Council by the Friday of the 9th Week to be considered for the catalog for the following year.

For example, changes for a fall semester need to be submitted by the 9th week of the previous fall semester. Changes for a spring semester need to be submitted by the 9th week of the previous spring semester.

Type of ProposalsSubmission DeadlineEarliest Effective Catalog Term
AllFriday of 9th Week (11/1/2024)Fall 2025
AllFriday of 9th Week (3/28/2025)Spring 2026