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Lakeshore habitat restoration training for professionals

principles and practices of lake-friendly landscaping, low impact development, water quality conservation and erosion control of low energy sites on inland Wisconsin lakes

Wednesday, July 16th and Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at Moon Beach Camp, St. Germain

​Wednesday, August 27th and Thursday, August 28th, 2014 at Heidel House Resort & Spa, Green Lake


20.0 A review of ecological design tips

​​"Landscaping at the water's edge: an ecological approach" - By: University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension.
"SULIS - Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series" - By: University of Minnesota-Extension
​"Ten elements of natural design"​ - By: Larry Weaner
​"Shoreline erosion control system​" - By: University of Minnesota-Extension
​"Shoreline erosion control techniques matrix" - By: 580 SOC team
​"Ice ridges fact sheet​" - By: Minnesota DNR

20.1 Low impact development techniques

Low impact development manual for Michigan:
a design guide for implementers and reviewers

(By: Southeast Michigan Council of
Governments-SEMCOG; 512 pp.)

"Builders guide to low impact development techniques" - ​​By: NAHB Resource Center
Structural best management practices - help
mitigate stormwater-related impacts after they
have occurred.  Structural BMP's are decidedly more location specific and explicit in their physical form.
Nonstructural best management practices​ - these
BMP's prevent stormwater runoff from a site
proactively; more specifically, nonstructural BMP's
take broader planning and design approaches, which are less "structural" in their form.
​Bioretention - rain gardens (pp. 131-146); bioretention for infiltration - Wisconsin conservation practice standard​ ​Cluster development (pp.61-68)
​Capture reuse (pp. 147-156) ​Minimize soil compaction (pp.69-74)
​Constructed filter (pp. 157-168) ​Protect natural flow pathways (pp. 83-88)
​Detention basins (pp. 169-192) ​Protect sensitive areas (pp. 97-106)
​Infiltration practices (pp. 193-220); infiltration basin - Wisconsin conservation practice standard ​Reduce impervious surfaces (pp. 107-114)
​Level spreaders (pp. 221-228) ​Stormwater disconnection (pp. 115-120)
​Native revegetation (pp. 229-240)
​Pervious pavement with infiltration (pp. 241-156)
​Planter boxes (pp. 257-266)
​Riparian buffer restoration (pp. 267-280)
​Soil restoration (pp. 281-288)
​Vegetated filter strip (pp. 289-300)
​Vegetated roof (pp. 301-314)
​Vegetated swale (pp. 315-328); vegetated infiltration swale - Wisconsin conservation practice standard​
​Water quality devices (pp. 329-334)

20.2 Bioengineering

"A soil bioengineering guide for streambank and lakeshore stabilization" - By: United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service 2002) Chapter 5 - soil bioengineering practices / full document​ web link

"Streambank and shoreline protection manual​" - By: Lake County Stormwater Management Commisiion, Lake County, Illinois
​Branch packing: USDA guide (pp. 80-81)​; Illinois guide (p. 13)
​Brush layering: USDA guide (pp. 82-83)
​Brush mattress: USDA guide (pp. 84-85); Illinois guide (p. 11)
​Coconut fiber roll: USDA guide (pp. 86-89); Illnois guide (p. 15); JFNew information sheet​
​Live cribwall: USDA guide (pp. 96-97); Illinois guide (p. 10)
​Live fascines / wattle: USDA guide ​ (pp. 98-99); Illinois guide (p. 8)
​Live post: USDA guide (pp. 100-101); Illinois guide (p. 19)
​Live siltation: USDA guide (pp. 102-103); Illinois guide (p. 12)
​Live stakes: USDA guide (pp. 104-105); Illinois guide (p. 7); Vermont fact sheet
​Plant mat: USDA guide (pp. 108-109)
​Reed clumps: Illinois guide (p. 14)
​Rock gabions: Illinois guide (p. 21)
​Rock riprap: Illinois guide (p. 20)
​Rooted stock: USDA guide (pp. 114-115)
​Root wad: USDA guide (pp. 116-118); Illinois guide (p. 18)
​Tree and log revetment: USDA guide (pp. 122-127); Illinois guide (p. 17)
​Vegetated geogrid: USDA guide (pp. 130-131); Illinois guide (p. 9)

20.3 Water quality conservation practices for lakeshore settings

​Bioswale / vegegtated swale: de LaFleur fact sheetNew Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 49-50); Vermont fact sheet
​​Cistern: de LaFleur fact sheet 
​Conserving lakeshores: Vermont fact sheet
​Construction bmp's: Maine DEP fact sheet
​Crowned driveways: Vermont fact sheet
​Dripline trench (roofline trench): Maine DEP fact sheet;​ New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 29-30); Vermont fact sheet
​Driveway infiltration trench: New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 31-32); stormwater friendly driveways - Vermont fact sheet
​Dry wells: Maine DEP fact sheet;​ New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 33-34); rooftop downspout disconnection/dry wells - Vermont fact sheet
​Erosion control mix: Maine DEP fact sheet
​Fish sticks: Wisconsin guidelines booklet
​Gravel grass: de LaFleur fact sheet 
​Green roof: de LaFleur fact sheet; Canada fact sheet​ 
​Infiltration steps - new: Maine DEP fact sheetNew Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 35-38); Vermont fact sheet
​Infiltration steps - retrofit: Maine DEP fact sheet; New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 39-42)
​Infiltration trench: Maine DEP fact sheet; Wisconsin conservation practice standard​; Vermont fact sheet
​Lake shoreline riprap: Maine DEP fact sheet​; Minnesota fact sheet​; Vermont fact sheet
​No mow zones: Vermont fact sheet
​Open top culvert: Maine DEP fact sheet
​Paths and walkways: Maine DEP fact sheet; Vermont fact sheet
​Permitting: Maine DEP fact sheet
​Planting and maintaining buffers: Maine DEP fact sheet​; Minnesota fact sheet; Vermont fact sheet
​Porous pavers / pavement: de LaFleur fact sheet; permeable pavement - Wisconsin conservation practice standard​; Vermont fact sheet
​Preventing driveway erosion: Vermont fact sheet​
​​Rain barrels: Maine DEP fact sheet; de LaFleur fact sheet; New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 43-44); Minnesota fact sheet​
​​Rain gardens: Maine DEP fact sheet; GWQ037 Wisconsin guidebook; de LaFleur fact sheet; New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 45-48); Vermont fact sheet
​Rubber razors: Maine DEP fact sheet 
​Septic system primer: Vermont fact sheet
​Site evaluation for stormwater infiltration: Wisconsin conservation practice standard
​Turnouts: Maine DEP fact sheet; Vermont fact sheet
​Vegetated mat: JFNew fact sheet
​Water bars: Maine DEP fact sheet​New Hampshire fact sheet (pp. 51-53); Vermont fact sheet​
​Willows: Canada fact sheet​
"New Hampshire homeowner's guide to stormwater management: do-it-yourself stormwater solutions" - New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
​One drop at a time - Marcus de LaFleur web site link
"Catching the rain: a Great Lakes resource guide for natural stormwater management" ​- By: American Rivers
​"Shoreline stabilization using wetland plants and bioengineering" - By: Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company
​"Fiber roll project​"
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