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Wisconsin Lake Leaders - Crew 7 (2008)


Crew 7 in the News!

As an on-going special project, Crew 7 has been striving to restore the shore habitat of Wisconsin's Exectutive Residence.  After months and years of planning, networking,  letter writing, and meeting-attending the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board  unanimously voted to approve the shoreland restoration at the Executive Residence on December 12, 2011!

Read more about the project and even how you can chip in!
If you have any questions, or would like to donate your time to the project, please contact Patricia Cicero at
Update on Executive Residence Shoreland Restoration Project
Last summer we updated everyone on an exciting shoreland restoration project to take place at the Wisconsin Executive Residence, which sits along the shores of Lake Mendota in the Village of Maple Bluff. The original idea and efforts to bring this project to realization are truly a Lake Leader lead grass roots endeavor. The project received approval in December 2011 from the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board (SCERB).
Initially, the planting date was set for fall of 2012. Post 2011 approval and prior to the planting date, the Department of Administration determined that a shoreland lighting project on the Residence grounds needed to be completed prior to the planting. When the lighting project was postponed, so was the planting.
Shortly after the announcement of the postponement, a decision was made by the Wisconsin Executive Residence Foundation Board (WERF) to seek approval for the creation of a garden master plan for the entire Executive Residence grounds. In February 2013, the SCERB approved the creation of a subcommittee for the garden master plan project, to include the shoreland restoration. We look forward to participating in this process and implementing our project at its completion. We do know that the planting will not be done in 2013.
The shoreland restoration project leaders have maintained very good contact with all the governmental decision makers and are excited to move forward with the restoration. It has been a long process, but we have come very far! We appreciate the ongoing support and patience of all our partners and fellow Lake Leaders.
In the meantime, please know that we are still in need of funds to make the shoreland restoration project a reality. Please visit to find out how you can donate. In addition, if you would like to help raise funds in your area of the State, please contact Nate Rice at

Crew 7 Archived Seminar materials

Session One - Leadership, Building Values and an Environmental Ethic

Pilgrim Center, Green Lake, WI / May 21-22, 2008  

Exploring Contemporary Leadership Practices

Fostering Sustainable Behavior

Green Lake Conservancy

Real Colors Personality Instrument link
Real Colors cd (pdf 490 kb)

Protecting in Partnership The Legacy of Wisconsin Lakes (pdf 6 mb)

The Water Way (pdf 981KB)

Ethics, Lakes and Love (pdf 4.82 mb)

A Discussion on Values (pdf 1.84 mb)

  Session Two - Aquatic Ecology and Human Impacts on Lake Ecosystems

Kemp Station, Woodruff, WI / September 10-11, 2008

Nearshore Fish and Wildlife Habitat:  Human Impacts, Obvious Remedies, Difficult Choices

Lake Management Planning [PDF, 2 MB] - Carroll Schaal, WDNR Lake Team Leader

Paleolimnology as a Lake Management Tool [PDF,3 MB] - Paul Garrison, WDNR Research Scientist

Aquatic Invasive Species in Wisconsin [PDF, 3 MB] - Jeff Maxted, UW-Madison Center for Limnology Research Scientist\

Stormwater Management for Lake Protection [PDF, 7 MB]; 

Phosphorus Footprint document [PDF, 121 KB] - Paul McGinley, Center for Watershed Science and Education/UWSP

Protecting our Lakes with Shoreland Restoration [PDF, 8 MB] - Patrick Goggin, UW-Extension Lakes/UWSP

Digital Photographs from Session 2 - click here [pdf, 32 MB]

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