Wednesday Afternoon Workshops
April 18, 2017 ~ 1:30-4:30 pm
Pre-registration required to attend.
Agenda subject to change.
This workshop is geared toward volunteers with the LoonWatch Annual Lakes Monitoring Program. However, anyone is welcome to join who wants to know a lot more about loons, and possibly become a “Loon Ranger” volunteer. We will cover loon basics: migration, biology, behavior, habitat, ecology, phenology, threats, and what you can do to help protect loons. We will also cover specific monitoring techniques; examples of potential observations including mating behavior, territorial behavior, nesting, and chick rearing; and monitoring form instructions.
Erica LeMoine, Loon Watch Coordinator, Northland College
In this session you will learn key characteristics and cool stuff about many of the macroinvertebrates typically found in your Water Action Volunteers (WAV) Biotic Index. Using a variety of fun and interactive activities we will dive into the lives of some of our favorite macroinvertebrates to learn more about how they breathe, eat, move, reproduce, and more. Equipped with this new knowledge of their key characteristics you will be more confident in your WAV biotic index sampling and ready to go for the 2018 monitoring season. Participation is not limited to WAV volunteers; however having prior general knowledge of stream and river macroinvertebrates will be helpful.
Tom Wilda
Jeremy Williamson, Water Quality Specialist and Aquatic Invasive Species Biologist, Polk County Land & Water Resources Department
This advanced workshop will provide an overview of the history of dam regulation in Wisconsin and review the regulatory framework for dams, including legacy dams (built before dam permits were required in 1915). The workshop will address the standards and process governing DNR’s issuance of dam operating orders and important issues associated with individual dam permits, including minimum and maximum water levels, seasonal drawdowns and minimum discharge requirements. There will be discussion of the key factors DNR considers in dam orders (including public rights in navigable waters and the protection of life, health, safety and property) in light of recent legislation and court decisions. We will also cover the regulatory process for state dam regulation from beginning to end, including petitions to change dam orders, the administrative hearing process and judicial review. Additional topics will include strategies for managing liability and what to do with orphan dams.
William O'Connor, Attorney, Wheeler Van Sickle & Anderson, S.C.
Mary Beth Peranteau, Attorney, Wheeler Van Sickle & Anderson, S.C.
This workshop is designed specifically for Lake District Treasurers. Managing a lake district budget is not the same as working with finances for a lake association or other type of organization. This workshop will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to create and manage your lake district’s budget. We will cover specific compliance rules that lake districts need to follow.
Bo DeDeker, Controller, UW-Stevens Point

In this introduction to identifying cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), learn what characteristics you can observe in the field with the naked eye or hand lens to distinguish cyanobacteria from other common algae in lakes. We will review the environmental conditions that cause cyanobacteria to grow to nuisance levels. We will also discuss the health impacts of the toxins made by some cyanobacteria on animals and people who ingest, inhale, or have skin contact with cyanobacteria. We will cover recreational guidelines for cyanobacterial toxins, and how to determine the safest recreational levels of cyanobacteria in Wisconsin’s lakes. If possible, please bring a hand lens or magnifying glass for some hands-on identification practice. Due to the short duration of the workshop, we are unable to cover algal identification based on light microscopy.
This workshop is intended for water professionals and field staff.
Gina LaLiberte, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Lake eutrophication modeling uses characteristics of the lake and its watershed to explain the trophic condition of a lake or evaluate how that has changed or could change in the future. This workshop will examine some of the history, principals and applications of lake eutrophication modeling and then introduce attendees to the Wisconsin Lake Modeling Suite (WiLMS) for lake water quality evaluation and planning. This workshop is geared towards individuals interested in performing simple lake eutrophication modeling or hoping to understand modeling results for their lake. The workshop walks through several applications of WiLMS and is designed for participants to follow through those examples on their own laptop. Participants will need to provide their own laptop computer if they wish to participate in the hands-on applications.
Paul McGinley, University of Wisconsin Extension Water Quality Specialist, UW-Stevens Point
Tour the largest cold water hatchery in Wisconsin and the only hatchery to raise spotted musky and lake sturgeon. Wild Rose Hatchery has over 100 years of history in fish production for Wisconsin lakes and rivers and is the newest, bio-secure, state-of-the-art hatchery in the Midwest. Transportation will be provided to minimize the environmental impact.
Joan Voigt, Naturalist Guide, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources