Wednesday Morning Workshops
April 18, 2017 ~ 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Pre-registration required to attend.
Agenda subject to change.
Volunteers are an integral part of our Lakes Partnership and many local agencies and organizations count on volunteers to make specific projects successful. However, few people are trained in the fine art and science of volunteer coordination. This workshop will provide participants with best leadership practices and practical advice for recruiting, orienting, engaging, and recognizing volunteers. In viewing your volunteers as assets, you will be a more effective and efficient project manager.
Michelle Miller, Volunteer Cooridnator, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Most of the water quality data that is available on Wisconsin lakes has been gathered by Citizen Lake Monitors (CLMN) – this includes water clarity, total phosphorus and chlorophyll-a information. In addition, volunteers monitor their lake for aquatic invasive species, native aquatic plant populations, record water levels and water temperature.
This workshop is designed to review monitoring protocols and provide updates for CLMN volunteers but is also a chance for folks who live on the lake to understand the data that their volunteer is collecting and then decide what to do with the data. If you are thinking about becoming a CLMN volunteer this is your chance to see what is expected of you.
Steve Greb, Natural Resource Research Scientist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Katie Hein, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Rachel Sabre, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Kris Larsen, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Sandy Wickman, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
This workshop will provide an oversight of the WDNR SWIMS database, Lakes Pages and the Lakes & AIS Viewer. These tools are used for storing and displaying information related to Lakes and Rivers including CBCW, CLMN, AIS, Ice On/Off and much more. Topics that will be covered include SWIMS data entry, searching for and downloading data, displaying data, making maps, helpful hints as well as a plethora of other topics. Great opportunity for experienced users along with newcomers to the Lakes Partnership.
Dennis Wiese, IS Business Automation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Jacob Dickmann, IS Data Services, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
In this aquatic plant workshop, we will focus on aquatic plant ecology and identification. Participants will learn to identify aquatic plants using freshly defrosted plant specimens and a variety of plant keys and other resources. We will focus on distinguishing plants with similar growth forms and habitats and distinguishing among species in the larger genera. If possible, participants should bring a hand lens although there will some hand lenses and microscopes available. There will be a packet of materials for each participant to keep including “Through the Looking Glass” and Aquatic Plants of the Upper Midwest (two identification books about aquatic plants) and keys to guide you through plant identification.
Susan Knight, Interim Director Trout Lake Station, UW- Madison Center for Limnology
Michelle Nault, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Paul Skawinski, Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator, UW-Extension Lakes
Are you newly elected or appointed to a Lake District Board of Commissioners? Are you considering forming a lake district? This workshop will walk you through the basics of Wisconsin’s unique lake district law and the important roles that elected and appointed commissioners play in making them work. We’ll cover the basics of Chapter 33, the state statute that governs lake districts, and other relevant rules and laws that every lake district commissioner should be familiar with. We will conclude this half-day workshop with a question and answer panel featuring attorneys from the Wheeler, Van Sickle and Anderson law firm in Madison.
Patrick Nehring, Community Resource Development Educator, Waushara County
William O’Connor, Attorney, Wheeler Van Sickle & Anderson S.C.
Mary Beth Peranteau, Attorney, Wheeler Van Sickle & Anderson S.C.
Would your lake organization like to have a website in order to enhance communications with your members, but you don’t have the technical skills, time, or budget to create one? Or do you have an outdated website that is difficult to maintain? If so, this workshop is for you. The workshop will utilize a WordPress network (, which runs a collection of separate and distinct Wisconsin lake organization sites. WordPress is a very popular website builder that does not require coding skills. The network approach minimizes site hosting expenses and greatly simplifies building and maintaining a site. During this workshop, participants will work to adapt a site template to their lake organization. Participants will need to bring their own laptop, as they will create and edit webpages using WiFi during this hands-on workshop.
The workshop registration fee will provide new participating lake organizations with 2018 network membership, which includes support from our web services provider and other members. The fee also includes hosting of the website you develop for the balance of the calendar year, making the total cost a fraction of contracting with a web services business to create and host a website for you.
To ensure continued improvement of this network and encourage statewide participation, Wisconsin Lakes ( provides overall network administration.
Ken Justiniano, Northern Graphics OPS; Current Network Members
How do we manage shorelands and floodplains to protect lakes at the local level? How can people get involved in local government to protect our lakes over the long term and our waterfront property values? In this session we’ll share stories about how zoning developed, and the value that it brings to our lakes today. We’ll talk about ways lake people can spread the word about the benefits of keeping our lakeshores healthy. You’ll also get an opportunity to test drive being a zoning board member, and find out which counties have openings. If possible, bring a copy of your county’s shoreland ordinance.
Lynn Markham, Center for Land Use Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Kay Lutze, Water Regulations and Zoning Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,
Dale Rezabek, Water Regulations and Zoning Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Michelle Staff, Water Regulations and Zoning Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources