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Concurrent Session 3
40 minutes

April 6, 2017 ~ 1:45-2:25 pm

Agenda subject to change.

Mindful Management of Aquatic Invasive Species - Thursday, 1:45-2:25 pm

Asian Carp and Round Goby Status

Participants will learn the current status of Asian carp and round goby in the region and Wisconsin, and what federal and state agencies are doing to prevent their expansion. The message remains the same - PREVENTION is the key, and everyone can play a role in our success.
Bob Wakeman, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, WI Department of Natural Resources


Bringing Policy Makers to the Watertable - Thursday, 1:45-2:25 pm

Understanding the State and Local Legislative Process

An understanding of how laws and ordinances get made is an important piece of understanding the ever-changing world of water policy in Wisconsin. It helps inform when is the best time to contact a government official on a certain topic or what key stages to look for as an idea works its way through the process. In this session, you’ll learn the basic process and timeline used to develop state laws, the state budget, agency rules, and local ordinances.
Mike Engleson, Director, Wisconsin Lakes

Citizens Minding Our Waters - Thursday, 1:45-2:25 pm

Spring Lake, Waushara County Citizen Projects

Spring Lake Management District in Waushara County has been using member volunteers and supporting organizations to help improve and stabilize Spring Lake's health. Learn how they make an effort to reach out to all the people around their lake to discuss status/concerns about their water resource and engage them in efforts. See how they take advantage of the educational and supporting professionals that can help them identify and work on specific lake issues. Find ways to expand the contributions of your neighbors, community, local organizations, and grant-funded professionals through collaborative activities to benefit yours and fellow lake/water groups. Success can happen!
Marty and Arnie Wilke, Spring Lake Management District, Waushara County Watershed Lakes Council


Successfully Building a Citizen-led Lake Management Program

Finding that one or more invasive species has taken up residence in your lake can be a traumatic experience. Then, trying to identify how to best deal with the problem quickly becomes overwhelming. This presentation will provide an overview of how one Fond Du Lac County lake association pulled together a local team, secured support of property owners, worked with the WI Department of Natural Resources to address any regulations, utilized outside resources, and financed an ongoing project to control aquatic invasive species in their lake.
Mark Patton, President, Long Lake Preservation Association in Fond du Lac County


Mindful Connections: Rivers, Lakes, Groundwater and Watersheds - Thursday, 1:45-2:25 pm

Lake and Watershed Management Plans: Where We've Been and Where We Are Heading

The connection between lake and watershed management plans, the status of current planning efforts and proposed changes to grant funding and WDNR requirements will be discussed.
Carroll Schaal, Lakes & Rivers Section Chief, WI Department of Natural Resources

Water on Our Minds: Social and Psychological Connections to Water - Thursday, 1:45-2:25 pm

Art, Science, River, Lake

Come hear a team of artists and scientists present their work on two projects inspired by Wisconsin freshwater ecosystems:
"Voices of the Namekagon" is a web-based natural biography of the Namekagon River and its watershed, born of a unique partnership between artist Jojin VanWinkle and scientist Alison Mikulyuk. The project focuses on building relationships and engaging the public in the outdoors by exploring the Namekagon River as a figurative and literal thread connecting people to the land and to each other. They will show several film excerpts related to topics like eco-tourism, watershed management, and how people feel about the river. The biography uses multiple media, blending scientific and filmmaking practices to present film, audio, photography and scientific data. We hope that “Voices of the Namekagon” combines images, conversation, space, place, and ecology to present ever-expanding epistemology of one of Wisconsin's much-loved natural areas.
Similarly, storyteller Helen J. Bullard and ecologist Chelsey Blanke developed “Restless:”, a celebration of Lake Michigan’s cultural, ecological, and industrial histories. The project uses stories, video, still-imagery, animation, nature sounds, and music to reflect upon questions such as “What might it be like to be a lake?” and “What would a lake know?”. Excerpts shown will explore deep time, native American folklore, fisheries history, personal experiences, and other topics, with the aim of inspiring personal connections to and reflections about one of Wisconsin’s Great Lakes.
Alison Mikulyuk, Scientist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Jojin VanWinkle, Filmmaker and Visual Artist
Chelsey Blanke, Scientist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Helen J. Bullard, Research-Based Storyteller, University of Wisconsin-Madison

At the Confluence of Art and Science - an article in Edge Effects, a digital magazine produced by students at the Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE), a research center within the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studeis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Voices of the Namekagon - a multimedia project in the beginning stages of production.  

Minding the Science of Water Research - Thursday, 1:45-2:25 pm

Techniques for Shoreland Restoration in the Northern Highlands Ecological Landscape

From 2008 – 2015, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Division of Science Services, Michigan Technological University, Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department, WI Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, and private nurseries and landscapers worked with 26 property owners on 5 lakes in Vilas County to develop the best management practices for shoreland restoration in that lake region. We will describe methods proven to be successful, including cost-effective planting recommendations, necessary irrigation and herbivore protection practices, use of rain-gardens and biomaterials to manage run-off, and expected benefits for landowners.
Michael Meyer, Scientist, NOVA Ecological Services
Dan Haskell, Field Scientist, Michigan Tech University


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