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Concurrent Session 5
40 minutes

April 25, 2015 ~ 8:00 - 8:40 am

Agenda subject to change.


Helping Citizens Identify Action

Saturday, 8:00 - 8:40 am

Although scientists are very aware of the connection between watersheds, lake, or stream water quality and habitat, there seems to be a lack of helping citizens with the same realization. This presentation will focus on on-the-ground actions, many of which can be taken by citizens themselves to acquire information about watershed health, as well as suggestions on how the information can be used to manage the connected waterbodies and help educate citizens on the "great watershed connection".

Reesa Evans, Lake Specialist, Adams County Land and Water Conservation Department

Learning from Our Neighbors: What's New in Minnesota AIS Prevention and Management
(Aquatic Invasive Species)

Saturday, 8:00 - 8:30 am

Many partners in both Minnesota and Wisconsin are working to slow the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). Although both states share a goal of preventing the further spread of AIS and managing the AIS that are already in our waters, some strategies are implemented differently across the border. Come learn about some new programs next door.

Tina Wolbers, AIS Prevention Planner, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Video: Aquatic Invasive Species Dogs​ (.wmv) 29.5 MB (if you click on this link, it will be saved in your download folder - look in the bottom left corner of this browser window to find it) 

Water Guard Program Update
(Aquatic Invasive Species)

Saturday, 8:30 - 8:40 am

Wisconsin is fortunate to have a group of conservation wardens, known as the Water Guards, who focus specifically on enforcing aquatic invasive species laws and regulations. Come learn about updates to the Water Guard program and their plans for strengthening partnerships and communications with citizens and staff who work on aquatic invasive species issues.

Samantha Olsen, Water Guard Coordinator & Conservation Warden, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Fascinating Species of Wisconsin Wetlands
(Native Plants and Animals)

Saturday, 8:00 - 8:40 am

Wisconsin's wetlands are full of fascinating species if you slow down to take a look. Even simple shoreline buffers of native vegetation can provide endless opportunities for children and adults to observe nature. If you live near a Sphagnum bog, you're lucky to have some of the most interesting plant species of Wisconsin in your backyard. Join us on a photographic journey to learn about some of the interesting plants and creatures that call our water-logged environments home..

Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator, UW-Extension Lakes

Videos: (coming soon)

Restoring a Recreational Gem: Stewart Lake in Dane County
(Success Stories)

Saturday, 8:00 - 8:40 am

Join in for information on the science and planning, the community engagement in the planning and implementation, and the commitment to long-term maintenance as we see how one of Dane County’s first parks was built.  Built in 1912, Stewart Lake has gained a rich and unique cultural history throughout the years. Beginning in 2006, a major restoration effort to transform this highly degraded lake into a gem proved successful using a complex dredging plan, enhanced recreational amenities, and an effective collaboration with a school and the community. This success story is worth sharing and learning from.

Pete Jopke, Water Resources Planner, Dane County Land and Water Resources Department

Citizen Engagement and Political Processes

Saturday, 8:00 - 8:40 am

Democracy works best with full participation from an educated public. But even if we know how we feel about a certain bill, law, or issue, engaging with elected officials can be intimidating, and it’s hard to know how best to go about it. Concentrating on how to be an engaged individual, this presentation will discuss how to bring your issue to an elected official - from local supervisors right on up to the Governor. We’ll cover the different ways to contact officials and what works and what doesn’t. And we’ll talk a little about how to talk and what to say when you do. You’ll leave this session ready to take on the important task of advocating for your point of view - maybe for public policy that protects and preserves our waters!​

Mike Engleson, Director, Wisconsin Lakes

Presentation: How To Influence Public Policy (PDF)

Countywide Citizen Group Collaborations: Incorporating Stakeholders in Dane County
(Healthy Lake Organizations)

Saturday, 8:00 - 8:40 am

This presentation will discuss Dane County’s Office of Lakes and Watersheds’ expanded community engagement program. Utilizing a “collective impact” model, this newly expanded program incorporates important stakeholders that were previously not involved within the county’s watershed network. Fostering a more diverse multi-faceted approach to collective engagement emphasizes the value in working together to improve communities and watersheds across Dane County.  Learn how this can work in your county too!

Nik Simonson, Dane County Department of Land and Water Resources, Office of Lakes and Watersheds​

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