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Concurrent Session 4
40 minutes

April 24, 2015 ~ 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Agenda subject to change.


Wetland Mitigation
(Watersheds, Groundwater, and Water Levels)

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

This presentation discusses in general what wetland mitigation is and how the programs are structured to improve watersheds through gains in wetland functions. These programs may pose opportunities for the public to become engaged through either proposing a wetland mitigation bank or an in-lieu fee project. This presentation will also discuss several prioritization strategies prepared through GIS analysis to depict historic wetland loss and restoration opportunities across Wisconsin .

Matt Matrise, Natural Resources Program Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Pamela Schense, Water Regulations and Zoning Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

Presentation: Wetland Mitigation (PDF)

"Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers" Outreach to Waterfowl Hunters
(Aquatic Invasive Species)

Friday, 2:35 - 2:55 pm​

If you’re a Wisconsin boater or angler you’ve probably heard the phrase “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers” but did you realize that these laws apply to all water users including waterfowl hunters? Waterfowl hunters and their aquatic gear spend numerous hours in multiple rivers, lakes, and wetlands throughout the hunting season. The possibility of spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS) is plentiful. Join us to learn how the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is working with several county AIS partners on a project to better tailor the AIS message to waterfowl hunters. Results from the 2014 AIS Waterfowl Hunter Survey will be shared along with customizable outreach tools local partners can use to reach this often over-looked audience.

Christal Campbell, Aquatic Invasive Species Education Specialist, University of Wisconsin - Extension and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Patrice Eyers, Mead Wildlife Area, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Lake Holcombe Weevil Rearing: Mission Accomplished
(Aquatic Invasive Species)

Friday, 2:55 - 3:15 pm

Learn how Lake Holcombe Improvement Association (LHIA) participated in the Milfoil Weevil Mass Rearing Pilot Study from 2011 to 2013. The group learned the mass rearing methods and completed all steps of the process, from tank setup to weevil release. They made adjustments to their process to provide consistent results, releasing over 10,000 weevils to Lake Holcombe over these three years. Monitoring by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has tracked the decline of Eurasian watermilfoil and increase of milfoil weevils. Their efforts have been so successful that LHIA discontinued their weevil rearing operation in 2014, due to no need for additional weevils. They had accomplished their goal!

Amy Thorstenson, Regional Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, Golden Sands Resource Conservation and Development
Jodi Lepsch, Water Resources Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Presentation: Milfoil Weevil Rearing Study (PDF)

Manitowoc County Water Quality Monitoring Program

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Manitowoc County has over 20 small lakes. Three years ago, water quality data was available for only six of those lakes. Since then, Manitowoc County Lakes Association (MCLA) has spearheaded testing for all county lakes. This effort provided some unexpected beneficial results. This presentation will demonstrate how MCLA expanded phosphorus and chlorophyll testing at a time of limited funding. Learn the keys to success including volunteer recruitment techniques, sharing testing equipment, funding from alternate sources, and much more.

Gene Weyer, President, Manitowoc County Lakes Association


Financing Major Projects: What Can the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands Do For You?​
(People, Policy, and Politics)

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Lake organizations can be financially intimidated by major projects such as dam repair, purchasing aquatic plant harvesters, or acquiring land for conservation purposes. All of these expenses are eligible for low cost loans to lake districts and local governments through the Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL). Learn more about this unique constitutional agency and the ways that they can help lake communities achieve their goals. This presentation will describe their loaning process and discuss terms of BCPL loans. We will discuss how lake associations can access these funds through their local government or by forming a lake district.

Tom German, Deputy Secretary, Board of Commissioners of Public Lands

Lake Monitoring in Wisconsin Using Satellite Remote Sensing
(Eutrophication/Non-point Pollution)

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Lake monitoring is an integral part of water resource management. It insures sustainable use of our lakes by tracking short and long-term changes resulting from anthropogenic influences (i.e. shoreline development, eutrophication, and climate change). Current monitoring methods and budgets constrain lake assessments, presenting opportunities for the benefits of satellite remote sensing. This presentation discusses the current Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources activities associated with the remote sensing of water resources.

Daniela Gurlin, Research Scientist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Freshwater Algal Toxins and Human Health
(Public Health)

Friday, 2:35 - 3:15 pm

Toxic algal blooms are a consistent problem in eutrophic lakes, rivers and coastal oceans. Toxins and hundreds of other bioactive compounds produced by cyanobacteria (a.k.a. blue green algae) pose an ongoing threat to public health in recreational lakes and drinking water. Water bodies in some regions are monitored and closed by local health authorities when problems are suspected. Despite these closings, acute illnesses of swimmers and boaters are still reported. Furthermore, long-term exposure to low levels in drinking water produced from eutrophic lakes has been tied to the incidence of chronic diseases. This illustrates the need for better monitoring methods and greater understanding of factors controlling human exposure to toxins. This talk will summarize human health outcomes associated with cyanotoxin exposure and highlight recent research underway at the Zilber School of Public Health at UW-Milwaukee.

Todd Miller, UW-Milwaukee​

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