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Concurrent Session 2
60 minutes

April 24, 2015 ~ 11:0​0 am - Noon

Agenda subject to change.


Groundwater and High Capacity Wells in Wisconsin: Updates from an Eventful Year and Answers to Your Questions
 (Watershed, Groundwater, and Water Levels) 

Friday, 11:00 am - Noon

The issue of high capacity wells and their impacts on Wisconsin lakes continues to evolve. Demand for groundwater is growing, but the resource is showing stress in the form of declining lake levels and lower stream flows. 2014 saw a number of significant developments in how the state manages high capacity wells, including an administrative law judge’s decision regarding the DNR’s duty to consider cumulative impacts when reviewing new well applications. This session will include updates from a panel of presenters who have been closely tracking the matter of high capacity wells and their impacts on Wisconsin water resources, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.
Eric Ebersberger, Water Use Section Chief, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
George Kraft, Professor of Water Resources and Director of the Center for Watershed Science and Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin - Extension
Carl Sinderbrand, Attorney, Axley Brynelson LLP
Scott Froehkle, Project Manager, Central Sands Water Action Coalition

Reservoir Drawdowns For Lake Management
(Aquatic Invasive Species)

Friday, 11:00 am - Noon

Lake water level management and/or drawdowns are an important tool for managing habitat and controlling aquatic invasive species (AIS). This presentation will cover case studies on two Price County reservoirs that required winter drawdowns for needed dam repair work: First we will delve into the results of a two-year study on curly leaf pondweed (CLP), including CLP turion and native plant response to a drawdown on Musser Lake.  Next we cover the results of a three-year study on Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) and native plant response to a drawdown on Lac Sault Dore. We will also cover other resource issues that need to be considered when planning drawdown work, and strategies to deal with concerned citizens and the associated municipalities.

Jim Kreitlow, Water Resource Biologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Tim Plude, Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring and Rapid Response Coordinator, South Lake Michigan Basin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

My Healthy Wetlands: A Wetland Guide for Landowners 

Friday, 11:00 am - Noon

Do you own wetlands? Are your wetlands healthy? Wisconsin Wetlands Association has recently developed a private landowner outreach program to reach out to individuals and family wetland owners who are interested in doing more to maintain and improve the health of their wetlands. This presentation will provide information about wetland identification and actions you can take to maintain and improve your wetland’s health.
Katie Beilfuss, Outreach Programs Director, Wisconsin Wetlands Association

Shoreland Zoning Updates
(People, Policy, and Politics)

Friday, 11:00 am - Noon

Shoreland zoning standards have been modified effective October 1, 2014. This presentation will discuss which standards have changed and which have remained the same, what counties will have to do between October 1, 2014 and October 1, 2016, and how lake organizations can get involved to influence what happens in their counties. In addition, new municipal shoreland standards that were modified by the 2013 WI Act 80 will also be discussed. 
Kay Lutze, Shoreland Zoning Policy Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

Presentation: Shoreland Zoning Updates (PDF)

Wisconsin River Basin Clean Waterways Project and the Important Role of Lake Organizations
(Eutrophication/Non-point Pollution)

Friday, 11:00 am - Noon

This session will provide an informational overview of the Wisconsin River Basin Clean Waterways Project, and feature a panel discussion about the important role of lake organizations and other partnerships in achieving clean lakes within the basin. The panel discussion will feature representatives from lake associations within the Wisconsin River Basin, as well as Matt Krueger, director of the River Alliance’s Wisconsin River Initiative, which works to support Wisconsin River basin citizen groups that have organized around water quality. Panel members will provide examples of past or current efforts in which local citizen groups have played a critical role in addressing local water issues and advancing water quality goals.
Ann Hirekatur, TMDL Project Manager, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Scott Provost, Central Wisconsin Lakes & Streams Biologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Session Panelists:
Rick Georgeson, President, Petenwell & Castle Rock Stewards
Kirk Boehm, President, Lake Wisconsin Alliance
Matt Krueger, Director, Wisconsin River Initiative, River Alliance of Wisconsin
Russ Graveen, President, Lake Wausau Association
Rick Parkin, Vice President, Lake Wausau Association 

Scott Provost - Wisconsin River TMDL (PDF)
Rick Georgeson - Petenwell and Castlerock Flowages (PDF)

Blue-Green Algal Blooms in Wisconsin: Their Identification, Ecology, and Potential Health Effects
(Public Health)

Friday, 11:00 am - Noon

Blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, grow in all lakes and rivers in Wisconsin. Under certain conditions, they can form nuisance-level growths known as blooms. These blooms impair aquatic ecosystem health, pose aesthetic challenges to our enjoyment of lakes, and potentially affect the health of recreational users. Join us to learn how to identify blue-algal blooms and where, when, and why they occur in Wisconsin.
Gina LaLiberte, Research Scientist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Sarah Koske, D.V.M., Wisconsin Department of Health Services

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