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Sunrise Concurrent Sessions 5
40 minutes

April 11, 2013
8:00-8:40 pm

Agenda subject to change.


Cultural Aspects of Lakes

Water Walker and Water Keeper

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

Two Native American tribal representatives will give us a preview discussion prior to the showing of the documentary Water is Life: Mother Earth Water Walk. Sherrole is one of the Oneida Nation representatives who participated with Grandmother Josephine Mandamin in the Mother Earth Water Walk. She will discuss her adventure and the importance of connecting people to the Earth through culture and art. Sherrole will be joined by Cyrus Hester, the environmental specialist with the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa where he will give a short preview of his discussion on the Bad River Watershed and the mining concerns. This discussion will take place Thursday afternoon at 1:30pm during the special sessions.
  • Sherrole Benton, Oneida and Ojibwe woman, Freelance Writer, and 2008 MEWW Walker
  • Cyrus Hester, Environmental Specialist, Bad River Tribe
    Email Cyrus Hester

People, Policy & Politics

Minong Town Lakes Committee: A Local Volunteer Lake Group Taking Action

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

The Minong Town Lakes Committee was formed six years ago as a grass roots effort to provide education related to the preservation of water quality in the town lakes and to reduce/prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species. There are approximately 28 named lakes in the town, many of which are small and without lake associations. The committee provides representation for those lakes without associations and helps coordinate activities among the larger lakes with associations. They also interact very closely with local, county and state government. This presentation will discuss the many successes of the committee since its been formed and what is to come in the future. Successes include: educational lake fairs and field trips, AIS monitoring, CBCW inspections, boat ramp/ pier installation, and educational sign installation. Unique results of aquatic plants studies on five larger lakes will also be discussed along with funding opportunities making the activities possible.
Presenter: Russ Robinson, Volunteer & Member of Minong Town Lakes Committee & Gilmore Lake Association

Aquatic Invasive Species

Working With Fishing Tournaments to Prevent the Spread of AIS

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

Since 2010, the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network has worked with fishing tournament organizers including the Bass Federation, Cabela’s Master Walleye Circuit, and the FLW Tournament series. Our focus is to help professional and tournament anglers understand the importance of aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention and their role in prevention and as role models for other anglers. A second focus was to work with tournament organizers to assist them in developing AIS prevention plans or tournament best management practices to prevent the movement of AIS between tournaments via anglers or tournament-related equipment. In this presentation, I will discuss what we learned about tournament activities, angler movements, and possible ways to address AIS spread through tournament related activities.

Presenter: Tim Campbell, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant

Lake Habitat & Biology

Animal Neighbors

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

Join us and learn about interesting and amazing animals living in and around Wisconsin’s lakes, ponds, and flowages. Cute, slimy, spooky, or beautiful - they all weave a fascinating fabric of life in our lakes! Gain insights on what you can do to attract more wildlife to your shoreland property.
Presenter: John Haack, UW-Extension

Native Plants & Animals

Get Off the Grass! Lose the Lawn! Protect our Water!

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

The American Lawn is the horticultural equivalent of the Marine haircut! We water and fertilize a uniform, inedible, useless perennial. If you care about water and prefer fish, birds, bees, and butterflies to chemicals and toxic gas fumes- if you are searching for a wiser, water-friendly idea, you are ready for "Mother Nature's" "Get off the grass" presentation! Learn the who, what, where, when, whys and how’s of converting your lawn into a productive, bio-diverse, ecofriendly, productive, low-maintenance, safe, sensible, and water wise nature preserve! It's all about the water!
Presenter: Margaret Gerhard, Artist & retired teacher, Green Bay, WI

Water Quality, Watersheds, & Groundwater

The Evolution of Total Phosphorus Criteria for Wisconsin Lakes

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

In December 2010, the WDNR implemented a series of administrative rule changes related to the regulation of nutrients from both point source and non-source discharges, collectively known as the phosphorus (P) rule, for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of Wisconsins surface waters. One of the key elements of the P rule is the establishment of numeric phosphorus criteria for surface waters, including lakes, rivers, streams, and the Great Lakes. In this presentation, we will outline the scientific basis of the final promulgated phosphorus criteria for lakes. We will also discuss continued work to refine the application of these criteria for assessing the overall condition of lake water quality in Wisconsin, developing site specific criteria and individual lake planning goals, as well as considerations for implementation of nutrient reduction strategies for lakes and watersheds.

Scientific Lake Research

Research and Monitoring of Lake Water Quality Using Remote Sensing

Thursday, 8:00-8:40 am

The success of the Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring and Landsat satellite imagery has sparked interest in expanding research in the use of remote sensing to monitor water quality and other aquatic resources throughout the state. Several new projects have recently been initiated. Description of these projects along with preliminary results will be presented.
Presenter: Eric Erdmann, Research Scientist & PhD candidate, WDNR

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