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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership 
2012 Convention Archive 

Tuesday Workshops
April 10, 2012 

Lake Planning and Assessment

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

This workshop will focus on the process of planning and protecting lakes that are in generally good or better condition. Representatives from the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership will present model planning and management guidance for lake organizations and service providers who are looking for simple and effective ways to plan and implement protection and improvement strategies for the best of Wisconsin’s natural glacial lake heritage.

Name That Plant! Aquatic Plant Identification

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Learning to identify the water plants in your lake can help with a variety of lake projects, such as aquatic plant management plans, grants, or just add to the fun of learning more about water plants. This workshop will give a hands-on, up-close view of aquatic plant intricacies and differences to aid you in their identification. Learn how plants survive underwater and how they contribute to the health of the lake ecosystem.

Nuts and Bolts of Lake Associations

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Lake associations and volunteers carry out an increasing share of the workload in protecting and restoring Wisconsin’s lakes. This session is geared towards newer lake association board members and we will address “frequently asked questions” and highlight best practices to ensure that your association is effective, efficient, and resilient. Topics include board turnover, strategic planning, volunteer recruiting and management, and financial planning.

Shoreland Erosion Control

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Do you have shoreline erosion issues on your property? Are you looking for effective solutions? This presentation will focus on identifying various causes of erosion (geologic, vegetative, climatic, hydraulic, human) and the effect of these factors (runoff, waves, groundwater seeps, freeze/thaw, ice, human access, etc.) on the landscape and shoreline areas. Once the cause(s) of erosion are known, it is then possible to select techniques to help control or eliminate erosion potential. We will share engineering standards, conceptual drawings, material samples, and photographs to depict these techniques and where they are useful and applicable. Design standards, construction efforts, and lessons learned will be discussed. Successes and challenges will be mentioned with each case study.

Presentations & Handouts:

Lake Data on the Web

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Interested in finding lake data on the web or producing maps for a report, newsletter or presentation? Want to report your Clean Boats, Clean Waters, Citizen lake Monitoring Network or LoonWatch data online? Join us for this hands-on workshop and learn how to enter your lake data into the statewide database (SWIMS). Find out what's new on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and University of Wisconsin-Extension Lakes website and discover how to create maps with the WDNR's Surface Water Data Viewer. You'll be able to produce professional looking maps using tools available online.


Educating for Stewardship

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Teaching, mentoring, and inspiring the young people who will assume the stewardship of our lakes and their surrounding natural habitats is a worthy and extremely important goal for all of us. This workshop will highlight a variety of activities that actively encourage youth to explore nature and learn about our waters. First we’ll hear the moving story of “In a New Light,” a project to connect at-risk teens to the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway through nature photography. 26 teenage boys at Northwest Passage in Spooner embarked on "In a New Light," a six month photographic journey of discovery, hope, and healing on the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway. The boys created stunning photographs showcased in a touring exhibit that will be on display during our Lakes Convention in the Exhibit Hall. Next we’ll learn about an environmental education resource that is possible in every county: through our Land & Water Conservation Departments. Learn how the St. Croix County LWCD makes school contacts, gets volunteers, and engages students in both outdoor and classroom settings. We'll also discuss tools for a successful field day with kids and tricks to make your presentations run smoothly outdoors. Then we’ll explore the magic of kids’ books—a simple way for every family to connect kids to nature. We’ll do a show and tell of favorite water-themed books for kids and why we like them. Feel free to bring along your favorite kids’ book about lakes to share. Bring along your favorite books, activities and ideas to share as well! Join us in this great opportunity to network with others who share their love of nature with kids!
Presentations & Handouts:

Manual Removal of Eurasian Watermilfoil

Tuesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

The manual removal of Eurasian watermilfoil can spark involvement and volunteer teamwork. It can also save a lot of money compared to other means of control. When done properly, manual removal is often a very worthwhile management strategy, which can be applied by itself or as an integrated management component. The presenters will use photographs and underwater video to demonstrate the steps involved in planning and implementing a manual removal activity from start to finish. Examples of helpful tools will be provided, and identification of watermilfoils and look-alike native species will also be covered with actual specimens of these plants.


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