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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2011 Convention Archive

Wednesday Concurrent Sessions III

April 13, 2011
2:35-3:15 pm


Steps to Build a Lake Organization Website

Wednesday 2:35-3:15 pm

In this session we’ll go through 7 steps to consider in building and operating a successful website for your lake organization. These steps are based on Larry’s experiences in creating two websites for lake groups with which he is involved. (,
Presenter: Larry Bresina, Polk County Association of Lakes & Rivers/ Pipe & North Pipe LMD


Native Plants/Animals

An Underwater View of Lakes Through Photography

Wednesday 2:35-3:15 pm

Using a fish eye view of the world, photographer Eric Engbretson will use his stunning photos to help you see what is going on in our lakes. He'll explore examples of aquatic invasive species invasions on lakes, fish ecology and habitat, and the world of woody structure along our shorelines. Known for his pictures of freshwater gamefish native to North America, come see a unique view of lakes, from the bottom up via
Presenter: Eric Engbretson, Engbretson Underwater Photography

AIS Updates

Stories From an Active Lake District

Wednesday 2:35-3:15 pm

The Lake Helen Protection and Rehabilitation District has been engaging in a wide variety of lake management activities since 1975, including projects like dredging, aerator installation, fish stocking, shoreline management, community outreach, and aquatic invasive species monitoring. Recent projects have included a "Frog Walk" around the lake; Clean Boats, Clean Waters watercraft inspection; and Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) removal. Rob and Paul will discuss the EWM management strategies in Lake Helen since it was discovered in 2008, and some of the educational efforts that have been undertaken by the District to protect the water quality of Lake Helen.
Presenters: Rob Hvizdak, Lake Helen Protection & Rehabilitation District & Paul Skawinski, Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc.


Water Quality

Wisconsin's Shoreland Zoning Regulations: How You Can Be an Advocate for Your Lake

Wednesday 2:35-3:15 pm

The revisions to the State's minimum shoreland zoning regulations are in effect and counties are in the process of updating their ordinance. While the revised standards offer more flexibility for homeowners, the revisions are a step forward in the protecting the water quality, habitat and natural scenic beauty of our lakes. Learn how the revised rules will impact shoreland development and the opportunities citizens have to get involved at the local level to advance these changes.
Presenter: Heidi Kennedy, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources


Success Stories


Wednesday 2:35-3:15 pm

For over two years now, the Cloverland Town Lakes Committee (Vilas County) has been implementing their CLASS project (Cloverland Lakes Aquatic Species Survey). Aquatic Plant Surveys were conducted on 21 of the 26 town lakes. The presenter will talk about project planning and leadership strategies, decision making, grass roots hard work, and the scientific and social rewards that allowed their CLASS project to receive an A+.
Presenters: Jeff Currie & Justine White-Richards, Cloverland Town Lakes Committee

Film Festival

A Sense of Wonder (continued)

Wednesday 2:35-3:15 pm

Lessons from Carson - follow contemporary environmental leaders as they reflect on the challenges ahead, featuring author/scientist David Suzuki, author scientist Dr. Theo Colborn, author Richard Louv and others. Discussion to follow film.

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