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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2010 Convention Archive

​Thursday Workshops

April 1, 2010



Lake Data on the Web

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Interested in finding lake data on the web or producing maps for a report, newsletter or presentation? Want to report your Clean Boats, Clean Waters, Citizen Lake Monitoring Network or LoonWatch data online? Join us for this hands-on workshop and learn how to enter your lake data into the statewide database (SWIMS). Find out what’s new on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and University of Wisconsin - Extension Lakes websites and discover how to create maps with the WDNR’s Surface Water Data Viewer. You’ll be able to produce professional looking maps using tools available online.
  • Jennifer Filbert, Lake Data Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
  • Maud LaMarche, Database and Web Site Specialist, University of Wisconsin - Extension Lakes

Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) Training

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Are you concerned about aquatic invasive species? Are you willing to put in the time to monitor your lake and enter the data into the statewide database? If so, this is the workshop for you. Join us at the aquatic invasive species monitoring workshop. You will learn how to identify aquatic invasive species, receive ideas on how to organize an effective monitoring team, learn where and when to look for the invasives, find out what to do if you suspect that you have found an invasive plant or animal, and learn how to input your data into a statewide aquatic invasive species database. You will take home the following: a manual covering the aspects you learned at the workshop, user-friendly identification keys (such as watch and wild cards, pamphlets, laminates, etc.), a hand lens for looking at the smaller identification characteristics, collection bags, and, most importantly, the confidence to go out and begin monitoring yourself! Your take-home items and newfound confidence will help you to share your knowledge with all your fellow lake lovers and track your data in a statewide database system.
Presenters: Laura Herman, University of Wisconsin - Extension Lakes, Jay Schiefelbein and Brenda Nordin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Limit: 40
Additional Fee: $25
Pre-registration required

County Lakes and Rivers Associations Roundtable

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Join us for a roundtable exchange with representatives of county lakes and rivers associations. Others involved in county matters or interested in learning more about countywide association operations are welcome too. This roundtable is an opportunity to network with your peers in an informal setting and bring forward topics that you would like to discuss. Does your organization have an exciting project, success story, or helpful resources to share? We’d also like to hear your perspectives on current issues and challenges your county’s lakes and rivers face. Plus, we’ll explore ways to collaborate regionally on issues that affect our waters.
Workshop Facilitator: Earl Cook, President, Wisconsin Association of Lakes 

Partnering for Water Quality: Protecting Shorelands and Shallows in Burnett County

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Burnett County has led the way over the last few decades in protecting shorelands and shallows with innovative programs, incentives, ideas and research. Come hear how they did it! Learn about unique ways to protect and rehabilitate shorelands through local policy, cost-share programs, partnerships with lake groups, and other strategies.
Presenter: Dave Ferris, County Conservationist, Burnett County Land and Water Conservation Department

Shoreline Erosion Control Techniques 101

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Do you have shoreline erosion issues on your property? Are you looking for effective solutions? This presentation will focus on identifying various causes of erosion (geologic, vegetative, climatic, hydraulic, human) and the effect of these factors (runoff, waves, groundwater seeps, freeze/thaw, ice, human access, etc.) on the landscape and shoreline areas. Once the cause(s) of erosion are known, it is then possible to select techniques to help control or eliminate erosion potential. We will share engineering standards, conceptual drawings, material samples, and photographs to depict these techniques and where they are useful and applicable. Design standards, construction efforts, and lessons learned will be discussed. Successes and challenges will be mentioned with each case study.
Presenters: Stacy Dehne, DATCP Conservation Engineer and Carolyn Scholl, Vilas County Conservationist, and Jean Hansen, Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Department

Learning from the National Lakes Assessment: What's Next for Wisconsin Lakes?

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

The National Lakes Assessment (NLA) is a five-year recurring assessment of lake conditions. The latest data reveals that shoreline disturbance and associated habitat alterations are a very consequential issue of national importance. How do we use this new information to renew our policies, enhance our education programs, and work on partnerships to better our lakes? Come to this event, and we will provide you with ideas and thoughts on what we should be doing to apply this latest research to our lake work statewide.
Presenters: Tim Asplund, Limnologist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Paul Garrison, Research Scientist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Neil Kamman, Environmental Scientist, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, and Richard Mitchell, Office of Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Propagating Native Plants for Shoreland Restoration: strategies, tips & proven techniques

Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Come learn shoreland restoration strategies and techniques from a seasoned professional.  Rob Bursik with Dragonfly Gardens in Amery, WI has been consulting and partnering with lakeshore enthusiasts on shoreland restoration projects for over ten years.  During that time period, he has picked up a number of proven strategies and techniques to help make the installation of your restoration project go smoothly and effectively.  He will share some of the common misperceptions, challenges, and pitfalls shoreland restoration projects face in northern Wisconsin climates and on our lakes.  Also, as a business owner who specializes in growing and selling over 300 species of native grasses, herbaceous perennials, ferns, shrubs, and trees, Rob knows his plants.  Tap into his knowledge for proper plants to use for rain gardens, wildflower gardening, lake edge restorations, forest recovery plans, and prairie plantings.
Presenter: Rob Bursik, Dragonfly Gardens and North Hennepin Community College
  • Shoreland restoration design and installation approaches PowerPoint

Lake District Commissioner Training

Thursday, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Do you feel a little unsure about your role as a lake district commissioner? Whether you are new to your lake district or a seasoned lake district commissioner, this workshop will help you sort through the requirements of being a commissioner and operating a lake district. Topics covered include: how to comply with open meetings and open records requirements, running board meetings and annual meetings, voting requirements, and communicating with members. In addition, we will also cover lake district budget specifics, bookkeeping practices, and funding methods, including mill levies, special charges, and special assessments. Participants will receive a copy of “People of the Lakes: A Guide for Wisconsin Lake Organizations,” and have a chance to examine and discuss its contents.
Presenter: Judy Jooss, a County Supervisor and past Wisconsin Association of Lakes board member and Jeff Thornton, Principal Environmental Planner with the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

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