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​Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2009 Convention Archive

Wednesday Morning Workshops

March 18, 2009
9:00am -12:00pm

​A. Name That Plant!  Aquatic Plant ID

Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Learning to identify the water plants in your lake can help with a variety of lake projects, such as aquatic plant management plans, grants, or just add to the fun of learning more about water plants. This workshop will give a hands-on, up close view of aquatic plant intricacies and differences to aid you in their identification. Learn how plants survive underwater and how they contribute to the health of the lake ecosystem.
Presenters: Susan Knight, aquatic biologist and assistant scientist with the UW-Madison Center for Limnology Trout Lake Station and Ali Mikulyuk, a research scientist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Limit: 25
Additional Fee: $30

B. Lake Data on the Web

Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm 

Handy Links from the Workshop:
Wisconsin DNR

UW-Extension Lakes:

Presenters: Jennifer Filbert, a lake data specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Maud LaMarche, database and web site specialist with UW-Extension Lakes.

C. Limnology 101

Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

This workshop will cover the basics of lake science and management. Issues such as eutrophication, the impact of near shore development and the introduction of aquatic invasive species will be covered. Join us as we share insights about the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics that make these watery gems so unique. Learn why some lakes are green while others are blue. Understand why some are shallow and others deep, some full of aquatic plants while others are less so. We’ll take a look at the lakes dotting the Wisconsin landscape and discuss the management challenges and opportunities we face in leaving a lake legacy for future generations. Bring your lake questions and observations to share!

Presenters: Pamela Toshner, lake coordinator for the Northern Region of the Wisconsin DNR and Buzz Sorge, lake coordinator for the West Central Region of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

D. Consultants Roundtable: Improving Lake Management and Planning Services Provided to Local 

Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Join us for a roundtable discussion of how to enhance and improve lake management and planning services provided to local lake organizations, increase consistency among lake management plans and projects, and clarify State expectations and requirements for Aquatic Plant Management (APM) and Lake Management Plan approval. This workshop is especially designed for lake management professionals, lake planning consultants, aquatic herbicide applicators, aquatic plant surveyors, and others involved in contracting for services as part of lake planning, protection, and aquatic invasive species (AIS) grants. As a result, presentations will focus on the latest AIS grant requirements as specified in NR198, elements of an “approved” lake management plan, recent changes in the APM Guide, large-scale lake and APM project guidelines, the recently adopted Northern Region Strategy to Protect Native Aquatic Plants and updated monitoring protocols. There will also be ample time for questions, discussion, and suggestions for improving the State’s administration and oversight of grant-funded projects.
Presenters: Tim Asplund, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Dwight Osmon, water resources planner for Hey and Associates, Incorporated and NALMS CLM/CLP program contact; Frank Koshere, Water Resources Biologist from Northern Region, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Kevin Gauthier, Sr., Lakes Coordinator from Northern Region, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Matt Sunseri, Pesticide Specialist with Dept. of Ag. Trade and Consumer Protection; Carroll Schaal, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

E. Aquatic Invasive Species Management Tools and Guidance 

Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Do you ever feel lost in the sea of ideas surrounding the management of aquatic invasive species (AIS)? Whether you are currently coping with an invasive plant or animal, or are trying diligently to keep your lake free of them, this workshop is designed for you. You need information to get a grip on AIS management. From contingency planning to aquatic plant management planning, to state grant programs, to chemical treatment permits, we’ll cover all the basics and more. This workshop will be based on information provided in the guidebook entitled, “Aquatic Invasive Species: a Guide for Proactive and Reactive Management”. Workshop participants will receive a copy of this citizen-oriented publication to keep for their own use.
Presenter: Carolyn Scholl, county conservationist for the Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department; Phil Foster, Karen Engelbretson, and Bob Boyd, Bone Lake.
Limit: 46 

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