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​Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2009 Convention Archive

Speakers & Special Events 

​Dr. Anthony Ricciardi

Wednesday Afternoon Plenary Session, Keynote Speaker

"Biological Invasions as a Form of Global Change: The Freshwater Perspective"

We all live in a biological global village that has exotic species invasions increasing in frequency. They are the second-leading threat to biodiversity and can dramatically affect ecosystem processes, economic resources and human health. Come to the Aquatic Invasive Species Symposium at the 2009 Wisconsin Lakes Convention and hear world-renowned invasive species biologist Dr. Anthony Ricciardi. Tony hails from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where he teaches a course on the ecology of species invasions. His expertise in assessing the causes and consequences of aquatic invaders to freshwater ecosystems is often tapped by media worldwide. Tony will use his background in population biology, community ecology and evolutionary biology to examine the reasons why certain species are highly invasive and why some ecosystems are more vulnerable to invasion than others. Resource managers lack the tools to anticipate and prioritize invasion threats, because there are very few risk assessment methods or models to predict the success and impact of aquatic invasions. Tony will highlight why a predictive understanding of invasions is hindered by the peculiar interactions between an introduced species and its new environment. He will discuss case studies that reveal some intriguing patterns that can help guide our efforts toward methods of risk assessment and management strategies to deal with this global challenge.
For more information about Dr. Ricciardi, click here

Dr. Phillip Moy

Wednesday Afternoon Plenary Session

"Aquatic Invasive Species: A Global Threat with Local Impacts"

Dr. Philip Moy has been a Fisheries and Nonindigenous Species Specialist for the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute since 1999. In that role, Phil works with Great Lakes commercial, sport and charter anglers as well as inland lake groups to address fisheries and aquatic invasive species (AIS) concerns. Join him as he brings our interest back to the Midwest region and the aquatic hitchhikers that have threatened Wisconsin waters for over half a century. Phil will share insights he has gleaned from monitoring the spread of invasive species in Wisconsin waters over the last ten years and from producing a range of outreach and education materials, publications and exhibits. He will turn our attention to the highly mobile recreating public that offers these organisms a means of spreading, sometimes across great distances. Phil’s presentation will review the pathways by which AIS have entered the Great Lakes, the impacts of some of these species, and the mechanisms via which these organisms spread to inland waters. Phil will also remind us how we can help with regional efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of AIS.
For more information about  Dr. Moy, click here.

Dr. David Lodge

Wednesday Afternoon Plenary Session

"Ecosystem Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species Spread by Shipping, Boating and Commerce"

As Director of the Center for Aquatic Conservation at the University of Notre Dame, Dr. David Lodge facilitates partnerships, educational opportunities, and outreach efforts with resource managers, policy makers, and the public. An ecologist, David’s interest in the natural environment grew from his childhood fascination with the fish, crayfish, insects and other freshwater life of Georgia and Alabama where he grew up. In his current research, he examines the impacts of global environmental changes on drinking water, recreation, fisheries, biodiversity, and other ecosystem goods and services. Much of David’s research has a strong focus on ecological forecasting to better inform environmental risk assessment, policy, and management. David will present examples of analyses for prevention efforts targeting live organisms in commerce, ship-vectored species in the Great Lakes, and recreational boater-vectored species in inland lakes. Only with such information can policy-makers have increased confidence in the value of allocating more resources for management responses to aquatic invasive species.

For more information about  Dr. Lodge, click here.

Ms. Kristine Maki

Wednesday Afternoon Plenary Session

"Movement of Invasive Aquatic Plants Through Water Gardening"

Sales in the water garden industry have grown to approximately $1 billion per year. Leading this growth trend are online mail-order sales of aquatic plants. Kristine Maki, the Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for the Sawyer County Land and Water Conservation Department in Hayward, Wisconsin, will lead us in a discussion that examines the issues of intentional sale of illegal aquatic plants and unintentional shipment of such plants and other organisms. Kristy will share results of research by her and colleagues that points to the sales of mail-order plants for water gardens as possible pathways for the spread of invasive plants. She will provide a context for considering the impact water gardening enthusiasts can have on giving aquatic hitchhikers a ride. Kristy’s research findings clearly indicate the need to raise awareness among riparian land owners, water gardeners, resource managers, and policymakers regarding the risks associated with the sale and use of aquatic plants. Given the popularity of water gardening and the accessibility of plants from all over the United States, there is significant potential to introduce a new species that may become problematic.

Panel Discussion

Wednesday Afternoon Plenary Session

The plenary session will be completed by a question and answer panel discussion with our afternoon speakers. A moderator will lead the discussion with questions from the audience to our panel of speakers for answers. We will wrap up at around 5:30 p.m.

Jeff Bode

Thursday Morning Welcome

"State of Wisconsin: Aquatic Invasive Species Strategy"


Thursday Morning Plenary Session

Strategic management of aquatic invasive species (AIS) requires multiple tools and approaches, including education and awareness, regulation and incentives, monitoring and surveillance, and cost effective containment and control strategies. This morning’s plenary session will focus on Wisconsin’s AIS Strategy and how these various tools and approaches are being implemented at the statewide, regional, and local level. The session will close with an expanded panel of experts discussing how Wisconsin could use these various concepts, tools and approaches more effectively in the future.

Dr. Jake Vander Zanden

Thursday Morning Plenary Session

"Smart Prevention of Aquatic Invasive Species in Wisconsin"

Dr. Jake Vander Zanden is an Associate Professor of Zoology and Limnology at UW - Madison. In addition to teaching courses in Limnology and Ecology of Fishes, he has been involved in a variety of national and international research efforts using science to improve environmental management, ranging from controlling non-point source pollution, to conserving Mongolia’s giant trout. Invasive species pose a threat to our ecosystems, both globally and here in Wisconsin. There is an urgent need for research that will improve the effectiveness of on-the-ground aquatic invasive species (AIS) management. Jake will describe the smart prevention framework for managing AIS and explain how it can be used to direct AIS management resources more effectively. Smart prevention takes a regional approach, recognizing the fact that invasions at a given lake are deeply influenced by what happens in surrounding lakes. In addition, smart prevention focuses the idea of ecosystem vulnerability. Incorporation of this approach into the broader program of AIS education, outreach and management will help managers and citizens make more informed decisions in the struggle against AIS.

For more information about Dr. Vander Zanden, click here.

Dr. Jennifer Hauxwell

Thursday Morning Plenary Session

"Controlling and Managing Aquatic Invasive Species"

Dr. Jennifer Hauxwell serves as Chief of the Aquatic Research Program for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, working closely with a great group of people involved with the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership and the Fisheries Management Program. As a scientist for the agency, Jen has worked primarily on aquatic plant ecology, effects of land use, and invasive species management in lakes. Jen will review Wisconsin’s research on the control and management of AIS. Her discussions will explore the short-term successes and long-term difficulties with containment and control of AIS, specifically invasive aquatic plants.

Michael Staggs

Thursday Morning Plenary Session

"Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia: A New Aquatic Invasive Species"

Michael Staggs has been the Director of the Bureau of Fisheries Management for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources since 1997. The bureau is responsible for managing and regulating sport and commercial angling, game and non-game fish populations, and aquatic habitat restoration and improvement in Wisconsin. Mike will illustrate how all of these management tools, from Smart Prevention to the lessons learned from aquatic invasive plant management, were brought to bear on a relatively new AIS threat in Wisconsin: viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS).. Learn more about the impact of AIS on our surface waters and our fisheries, how are we dealing with viruses such as VHS, and what the future holds for our fish population. Mike will share what we all should be doing to assure a safe and health experience when using our waters.

Panel Discussion

Thursday Morning Plenary Session

To end the plenary session, a moderator will lead a panel discussion with questions from the audience to our morning speakers. We will wrap up at around 12:00 p.m.


Wisconsin Lakes Convention

Welcome Reception Wednesday, 8:00-11:00pm

This event is sponsored by the Lake Leaders Institute and Wisconsin Association of Lakes. Everyone is welcome!  Meet Lake Leader Institute graduates, members of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes Board of Directors, and other convention-goers at this informal networking opportunity.  Snacks and refreshments provided.

Wisconsin Lakes Stewardship Banquet and Awards Ceremony

Thursday, 7:00pm

Please join us in celebrating the 2009 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award winners and new nominees at our banquet and awards ceremony on Thursday evening. The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents the annual Lake Stewardship Awards to recognize the extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts to protect and improve our lakes. People are nominated for Stewardship Awards by their peers — what a meaningful way to say, “Thank you!” to the people in your community who work so hard to care for our lakes. Winners of these awards join a select group of women, men, students, and organizations whose unmatched dedication, vision, and commitment ensure that Wisconsin’s legacy of lakes will be safe and secure for generations to come. The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible work that goes into securing a bright future for Wisconsin’s lakes. Don’t miss this opportunity to pay tribute to all those who are doing extraordinary things for Wisconsin’s lakes.

Representatives Thomas Nelson and Spencer Black

Friday, lunch

Representative Thomas Nelson of the 5th Assembly District and Representative Spencer Black of the 77th Assembly District have been invited to speak at Friday's lunch.
For more information about Representative Nelson click here.
For more information about Representative Black click here.

Public Opinion About VHS and AIS in Wisconsin

Wednesday, 7:00pm

Based on a statewide poll, this session describes current awareness, attitudes and practices related to AIS and VHS among residents of Wisconsin. Implications of these results for preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species in Wisconsin's lakes will also be discussed.

Presenter: Bret Shaw, Assistant Professor, UW-Madison, Department of Life Sciences Communication

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