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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2007 Convention Archive

Concurrent Sessions IV

 Saturday, April 28
 9:00 - 9:50 am

Agents of Change: Public Involvement

Lake Restoration and Public Perception 

Saturday 9:00-9:50am

This session will highlight an eight year project to regenerate and repopulate a large (270 acre) shallow water body, transforming it from a devoid ecosystem to a vibrant and thriving ecosystem restocked with native vegetation, fish, and all of the other elements of a reasonably healthy waterbody.  Sounds like a sad story with a happy ending, right?  Well, not all of the property owners—including some citizens who called for the initial changes—were satisfied with the changes.  We’ll discuss and critique the pros and cons associated with this project, and share our experience with others wishing to dramatically change the face of a shallow water body.
Presenters: Charlie Marks, Green Lake Sanitary District and Mark Sesing, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

The Nature of Things: The Wild Side of Lakes

Creatures of the Deep:  Introducing Some Lesser Known Lake Residents

Saturday 9:00-9:50am

You might be surprised to learn that freshwater sponges, jellyfish, and moss animals (bryozoans) occur in Wisconsin lakes and rivers. In fact, fifteen species of freshwater sponge, a single freshwater “jellyfish,” and at least four species of bryozoans have been recorded here. Biologists, anglers, and other lake-goers, often overlook these animals because of their inconspicuous coloration, small size, and cryptic nature. This session will introduce you to these fascinating components of Wisconsin’s fauna, including identification, basic biology, zoogeography, and ecology.  You will learn about the research done on these creatures in Wisconsin, some of it dating back to the early 1890s. The session will offer tips on finding these critters in your local lakes and introduce you to citizen monitoring and reporting efforts you can participate in.
Presenter: Dreux Watermolen, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Dollars and Sense: Understanding Lake Economics and Water Law

Organizing to Prevent Wetland Losses

Saturday 9:00-9:50am

Demystify the complexities of local, state and federal decisions that govern approval of development projects with wetland impacts.  Pick up tips and tools to improve your understanding and consideration of wetland concerns at each stage in the decision-making process.  This presentation will increase your wetland literacy and motivate you to get involved in protecting wetlands in your community.
Presenter: Erin O'Brien, Wisconsin Wetlands Association

The Ups and Downs of Lake Management: Understanding Lake Levels

Understanding Lake Levels: The Role of Climate, Climate Changes and Human Water Use

Saturday 9:00-9:50am

Water level fluctuations in response to drought and larger weather patterns are normal for certain types of lakes.  In some areas land use and groundwater pumping at a regional scale may be having additional impacts on lake levels.  Global climate change further confounds predictions of future lake level changes, as more rainfall and warmer temperatures may produce contradictory effects.  This session will explore what we know, don’t know, and need to further study about lake level fluctuations in order to make sound decisions about managing lakes and balancing all of Wisconsin’s water needs.
Presenter: Tim Asplund, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

Lake Organizations: Improving their Effectiveness

Hiring and Working with a Consultant

Saturday 9:00-9:50am

In this session, you’ll hear about keys to working successfully with lake planning and management consultants and about potential pitfalls to avoid.  Hear from the perspectives of a private lake planning and management consultant, a DNR lake management specialist, and a county-wide lake group representative.
Presenters:  Karen Engelbretson, Polk County Association of Lakes and Rivers; Scott Provost, WI Department of Natural Resources; Bernie Lenz, Short, Elliot and Hendrickson, Inc.

Framing the Story: Aquatic Invasive Species

New Treatments for Control of Curly-leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Watermilfoil

Saturday 9:00-9:50am

Research conducted by the US Corps of Engineers has led to new treatments for aquatic invasive plants.  Treatments conducted within specified water temperature ranges and/or with one or more herbicides have resulted in control of Curly-leaf Pondweed and Eurasian Watermilfoil.  Treatments completed in Wisconsin lakes have proven effective by use of these methods.  Come learn about specific treatment methods and some aquatic invasive management success stories in Wisconsin using these methods.
Presenter: Kevin Kretsch, Lake Restoration, Inc

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