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​Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2007 Convention Archive

Concurrent Sessions I

 Friday, April 27
 1:00 - 1:50 pm

Agents of Change: Public Involvement

Framing the Message: Engaging the Public in Lake Management

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

Lake management is a scientific endeavor.  However, the people who live on the shorelines and those who utilize lakes for recreation are commonly not scientists, nor are the local government officials who control the budgets used to fund many local management activities.  This presents a communication conundrum that often inhibits meaningful dialogue.  This presentation will explore the concept of using language that is based on community and individual values to frame issues and concepts of lake management in a manner that engages the public in vital discussions and fosters involvement in lake management issues.
Presenter:  Rob McLennan, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

The Nature of Things: The Wild Side of Lakes

Lead Sinkers and Waterbirds

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

Is a ban on lead sinkers needed to protect loons and other waterbirds from lead poisoning?  Although lead shot for hunting waterfowl was nationally banned in 1991, concerns are being raised about lead fishing tackle used by anglers.  Find out the results from recent studies done in Minnesota and learn about local, state and national educational efforts to ‘Get the Lead Out!’.  This session will talk about alternatives to lead sinkers, recommend ways anglers can help prevent lead poisoning, and discuss ways to get the word out on ‘getting the lead out’.   
Presenters: Paul Radomski, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Stacey Schaeffer, Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute

Dollars and Sense: Understanding Lake Economics and Water Law

Tales from the Waterfront: A Legal Update

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

Should Wisconsin Courts protect lakefront property owners from water pollution that restricts navigation and damages the lake ecosystem?  Should it matter if the type of pollution isn’t subject to state permits?  How much water quality damage should be tolerated before the Courts order the polluter to stop?  Learn more about these key questions that have been presented in a major case pending before the Wisconsin Court of Appeals. 
In this session legal counsel for the Wisconsin Association of Lakes, Bill O’Connor, will discuss this and other recent court cases of interest to lakes.  This session will also include discussion of pending legislation affecting lakes and lake organizations and a question and answer session for attendees to quiz the veteran water lawyer.
Presenter: Bill O’Connor, Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson, S.C.

The Ups and Downs of Lake Management: Understanding Lake Levels

Ecology of Shallow Lakes

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

Shallow lakes function much differently than their deeper counterparts.  Shallow lakes can be largely dominated by aquatic plants and are mixed throughout the summer.  The nature of the aquatic plant communities present in these systems has major implications on all management decisions made for these kinds of lakes.  Learn about the alternate stable states of shallow lakes: clear water, plant dominant vs. turbid water, algae dominant.  Shallow lake management alternatives will be discussed by exploring case studies.
Presenter: Jeremy Williamson, Polk County Land and Water Resources Department 

Lake Organizations: Improving their Effectiveness

Building Permanence: Sustaining Your Lake Association into the Future

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

Would your lake association like to count on an annual infusion of cash every year, in perpetuity?  By anticipating and planning for guaranteed annual revenue, lake associations can build and sustain and key programs and services.  This session will introduce you to the concept of permanent endowments, whether through a community foundation or through the "Wisconsin Conservation Endowment" managed by Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin.   Endowments can be a powerful tool to ensure the growth, longevity and success of your organization--whether your organization is new or celebrating 50 years of activity.
Presenter:  Charlie Luthin, Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin

Framing the Story: Aquatic Invasive Species

Part 1: Framing the Statewide Aquatic Invasive Species Message

Part 2: Effective Use of Signs

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

All across Wisconsin increasing numbers of people are becoming concerned about Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).  It can be a big challenge to provide consistent, accurate, and motivational information to all of these different audiences (lakefront property owners, boaters, policymakers).  Learn about the state-wide concerted effort to streamline and improve the way we communicate about AIS -- from the language we use to the educational resources we provide. 
All over the state, a wide variety of signage at boat landings exists for the purpose of increasing public awareness of AIS.  So, why another sign?  The aims of this initiative are to incorporate the nationally familiar Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! logo into educational campaigns throughout Wisconsin and beyond, and to promote proper placement of signage at landings to increase visual cues and response from boaters.  Ideas surrounding this AIS public awareness “marketing tool” will be presented.       
Presenters: Julia Solomon, UW-Extension; Frank Splitt, Town of Plum Lake 

Topics in Lake Science and Lake Management

Lake Science 101

Friday 1:00-1:50pm

Do you have questions about basic lake science?  This is your chance to gain knowledge about different lake types; processes such as turnover, stratification, and flushing; and how nutrients and other biological and chemical conditions affect a lake's water quality.  Learn about trophic states, chlorophyll, phosphorus, oxygen depletion, algae blooms, and more.  
Presenter: Jeff Bode, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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