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​​​​​​​ How to Get Involved in CLMN

It's easy to get involved in citizen lake monitoring! Contact your Regional CLMN Coordinator to get more information.

CLMN Training Coordinators

These coordinators are your primary contact for equipment, reports and additional training opportunities.
CLMN & AIS Statewide Contacts
These contacts cover statewide issues in their area of expertise.
Wisconsin DNR Lake Coordinators​
These coordinators work on lake planning and protection grants, as well as AIS grants.

These staff are great local contacts for AIS issues.

Links to other Citizen Monitoring Opportunities

Mission: The Wisconsin monitoring network functions as a comprehensive stakeholder collaboration designed to improve the effectiveness of monitoring efforts by providing communications, resources and recognition in order to build and maintain the dynamic picture of our natural resources.

Through the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program, inspectors are trained to organize and conduct a boater education program in their community. Adults and youth teams educate boaters on how and where invasive species are most likely to hitch a ride into water bodies. Inspectors perform boat and trailer checks for invasive specie​s, distribute informational brochures and collect and report any new water body infestations. 

The primary purpose of the WFTS is to determine the status, distribution, and long-term population trends of Wisconsin's twelve frog and toad species. ​

Mission: ​Protecting in Partnership Our Legacy of Lakes

Role: Enhance skills and broaden capabilities of people in our lake communities, champion effective and communicative collaboration, and foster responsive and useful networks that support lake citizens.​

This unique event brings together citizen scientists, businesses, and lake, river and wetland professionals to interact, learn, share and engage with one another to ensure a healthy future for our waters. The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership includes anyone interested in preserving and protecting our water resources, and begins with three main components (and organizations): 1) Science (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources), 2) Education/Outreach (University of Wisconsin) and 3) Citizens (Wisconsin Lakes). 

LoonWatch, a program of the Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute, protects common loons and their aquatic habitats through education, monitoring, and research. Though our primary focus is Wisconsin, our education and research activities extend to Upper Great Lakes region, such as Michigan and Minnesota. We also lend support to North American conservation efforts by working with loon conservation organizations across the United States and Canada.

​​Goal: Gain more knowledge about the distributions and habitat requirements of dragonflies and damselflies in Wisconsin.

The DNR and University of Wisconsin-Extension (UWEX), along with hundreds of citizen cooperators, have been introducing natural insect enemies of purple loosestrife, from its home in Europe, to infested wetlands in the state since 1994. Careful research has shown that these insects are dependent on purple loosestrife and are not a threat to other plants. Insect releases monitored in Wisconsin and elsewhere have shown that these insects can effectively decrease purple loosestrife's size and seed output, thus letting native plants reduce its numbers naturally through enhanced competition.

Each spring, hundreds of volunteers have an opportunity to guard sturgeon at their spawning sites on the Wolf River and protect the fish from poaching. When the sturgeon are spawning along the rocky shoreline of the Wolf River, they are fairly oblivious to nearby human activity and are very susceptible to illegal harvest. The volunteers of the “Sturgeon Patrol” guard the spawning fish 24 hours a day throughout the spawning season, which is typically in late April and early May.​

​This program is a citizen-based monitoring initiative that allows the public to assist in recording and preserving turtles in Wisconsin. By reporting road crossing mortalities and other turtle observations, volunteers are not only learning and promoting awareness, but they are also establishing an effective database to help the WDNR manage and conserve turtles.​

Water Action Volunteers (WAV) is a statewide program for Wisconsin citizens who want to learn about and improve the quality of Wisconsin’s streams and rivers.


For more information, contact

Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator 

(715) 346-4853


Or go to:


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