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Citizen Lake Monitoring Network

Active Volunteers


20 Year Volunteer Water Clarity Monitors

Interviews from 20-Year Monitors (since 1996) - 3 MB
Posters of 20-Year Monitors (since 1996) - 13 MB 

Enter Data (login/password required - exit to DNR site)


How to submit Data Online (exit Extension Lakes) 

View submitted data​ (exit Extension Lakes)


Workshop Schedule
Publications (books, manuals, reporting forms, laminates, etc.)


Special Projects

Remote S​ensing (exit Extension Lakes)

Lake Data

Searchable CLMN database (exit Extension Lakes)
CLMN Annual Reports by county (exit Extension Lakes)
How Data Is Used (exit Extension Lakes)


FAQs (exit Extension Lakes)
Awards (exit Extension Lakes)
For more information contact 
Extension Lakes at
Or go to
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources site
at (exit Extension Lakes)

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents