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​​​​​​​ CLMN Training Resources


​CLMN Training Coordinators

These coordinators are your primary contact for equipment, reports and additional training opportunities.
CLMN & AIS Statewide Contacts
These contacts cover statewide issues in their area of expertise.
Wisconsin DNR Lake Coordinators​
These coordinators work on lake planning and protection grants, as well as AIS grants.

These staff are great local contacts for AIS issues.

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​CLMN How-To Videos

This video gives you a sense of what water clarity monitoring entails. Have you already been trained in monitoring water clarity, but haven't used your Secchi disc in awhile and want to refresh your memory? Check out this video!
 Water Chemistry How-To Video

This video gives you a sense of what water chemistry monitoring is all about. Already a CLMN chemistry monitoring volunteer? You can use this video as a little refresher after the winter months to make sure you collect and report accurate data.

 CLMN Quality Assurance Procedures

This video demonstrates how to collect, prepare, and ship duplicate and blank samples for the Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network's Quality Assurance project.

This video walks through the aquatic invasive species monitoring procedures for volunteers of the Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network.

This video is a review of the Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network protocols for monitoring zebra mussels in Wisconsin lakes.

Learn to identify starry stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa) and distinguish it from several look-alike species.

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​​CLMN Training Manuals

Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring​

Wisconsin Aquatic Invasive Species Early Detectors Handbook (PDF version for viewing on web) (PDF version for print)

Order a spiral bound copy of this publication HERE.

This handy guidebook contains an identification guide to common and uncommon aquatic invasive plants and animals of Wisconsin. It now includes three additional species and also includes the aquatic invasive species monitoring methods for both lake and stream monitoring.

The former CLMN-AIS monitoring manual is a great reference for more detailed information on AIS. You can find that manual HERE.

Water Clarity - Secchi Monitoring
Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Training Manual (Secchi Disc Procedures) full version​, 5.8 MB PDF (revised 2023

Chemistry Procedures
Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Training Manual (Chemistry Procedures) - full version, 7.7 MB 
(revised 2023)

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AIS Fact Sheets



Carolina Fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana)























This delightful, large-format field guide to aquatic plants in North America is accessible and inviting to general readers, yet detailed enough for use by botanists and natural resource managers.


Aquatic Plants of the Upper Midwest (Fourth edition released in 2019)


Over 570 high-resolution, color photographs fill this easy-to-use field guide. Beginners to the world of aquatic plants will enjoy the easy descriptions and abundant photographs, while more advanced biologists will appreciate the comprehensive treatments, dichotomous keys, and other resources. It covers 164 species in total, including both native and non-native species, over 20 species of macro-algae (Chara, Nitella, etc.), and an appendix of non-native species in nearby states that are threatening to invade our region in the future.

The 4th Edition contains two updated keys, new photographs, and updated scientific names. It features a new, slim design for easy packing. Spiral-bound with laminated covers for utility in the field.


This guidebook will provide useful information to lake organizations, conservation groups, municipal governments, and others for the management of aquatic invasive species. The guide provides biological information about some of the aquatic invasives found in Wisconsin, current control and treatment options available, and tips about funding the various treatment methods. Ideas are offered about warding off potential introductions of aquatic invasive species (proactive management) and about how to cope with an existing infestation (reactive management). This source is not intended to provide a comprehensive literature/research review or reference listing, but instead is meant for use as a convenient starting point in the search for answers to tough questions about AIS management.


Many of these publications are available in PDF and can be printed directly from your computer. Others can be ordered and sent to you directly.

Understanding Lake Data​ (A guide to interpreting lake data)

This guide was written to help people understand information about lake water quality and to interpret lake data. Each lake possesses a unique “personality,” or set of physical and chemical characteristics which may change over time. Lakes exhibit chemical changes on a daily basis while other changes, such as plant and algae growth, occur seasonally. A glossary of technical terms is included to help the reader understand the language used in the study of lakes (limnology). 


Use this short guide to interpret the data that is included in your lake's annual reports.​

CLMN brochure

Are you a citizen lake monitor and want to share what you do with others? Hand them a CLMN brochure! Maybe you know someone who is interested in the program, but doesn't go online much (or at all). This is a quick reference to the types of monitoring done by CLMN volunteers. 



CLMN Newsletter - The Monitor

This newsletter of the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network is intended for volunteer citizen scientists already involved in CLMN as well as friends and neighbors who might be interested in the program. You are encouraged to reprint or reproduce these articles for further distribution with acknowledgements to the author, The Monitor (including volume and number of edition), and the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership.

The Network has been using more frequent, single-topic email communications in 2022 rather than a periodic, 2-page newsletter.

For older issues of The Monitor, please contact us for a copy.

​Webinar Series and Recordings

The Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network and the Water Action Volunteers stream monitoring program are excited to announce our 2023-2024 Winter Water Talks online webinar series! All of these webinars are free, open to the public, and held via Zoom. Webinar topics chosen are based off of suggestions from volunteers, and we have a great lineup this year. Use the links below to register for these webinars (all in Central Time)!

December 21, 2023, 12:00pm
Can we Farm and Fish at the Same Time?
Presenter: Mike Tiboris, River Alliance of Wisconsin
Description: As a leading agricultural and water recreation state, two of our biggest industries are often at odds over Wisconsin's water. What's the status of agricultural water impacts at the moment, and what's being done to control them? Efforts have largely revolved around encouraging voluntary farming practice changes by farmers, but if that isn't enough, what are the alternatives? Considering the broader food system in which agriculture sits offers some options.
CLICK HERE to register.

January 23, 2024, 12:00pm
Riparian Property Rights in Wisconsin
Presenter: Mike Engleson, Wisconsin Lakes
Description: Wisconsin law on public and private rights in water can be confusing and hard to figure out, especially if you need to know while knee deep in a lake or stream. Keep the feet dry and warm for now and learn all about what the public and private waterfront property owners can and can't do on, in, and near our waters.

February 15, 2024, 12:00pm
An Overview of Key Factors that Affect Stream and River Health
Presenter: Mike Miller, Wisconsin DNR Stream Ecologist
Description: Models are lies that help us see the truth. Mike will share some little lies from a conceptual model of stream health to help you see the truth about what affects our streams and what we need to do to protect them.

March 5, 2024, 12:00pm
Weather in Wisconsin with "The Weather Guys"!
Presenters: Steve Ackerman and Jon Martin, UW-Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Description: The Weather Guys will share the basics of weather systems in Wisconsin and get your weather-related questions answered!

The Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Program began hosting a webinar series in 2019. Here is a list of these webinar topics and links to recordings on the UWEX Lakes YouTube channel. If you would like to view the full playlist, CLICK HERE.

For more information, contact
Paul Skawinski, Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator
(715) 346-4853

Or go to

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lakes pages​ (exit Extension Lakes)​​​​​​​


Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents