December 21, 2023, 12:00pm
Can we Farm and Fish at the Same Time?
Presenter: Mike Tiboris, River Alliance of Wisconsin
Description: As a leading agricultural and water recreation state, two of our biggest industries are often at odds over Wisconsin's water. What's the status of agricultural water impacts at the moment, and what's being done to control them? Efforts have largely revolved around encouraging voluntary farming practice changes by farmers, but if that isn't enough, what are the alternatives? Considering the broader food system in which agriculture sits offers some options.
January 23, 2024, 12:00pm
Riparian Property Rights in Wisconsin
Presenter: Mike Engleson, Wisconsin Lakes
Description: Wisconsin law on public and private rights in water can be confusing and hard to figure out, especially if you need to know while knee deep in a lake or stream. Keep the feet dry and warm for now and learn all about what the public and private waterfront property owners can and can't do on, in, and near our waters.
February 15, 2024, 12:00pm
An Overview of Key Factors that Affect Stream and River Health
Presenter: Mike Miller, Wisconsin DNR Stream Ecologist
Description: Models are lies that help us see the truth. Mike will share some little lies from a conceptual model of stream health to help you see the truth about what affects our streams and what we need to do to protect them.
March 5, 2024, 12:00pm
Weather in Wisconsin with "The Weather Guys"!
Presenters: Steve Ackerman and Jon Martin, UW-Madison Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Description: The Weather Guys will share the basics of weather systems in Wisconsin and get your weather-related questions answered!