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Ice on/Ice off Monitoring





Ice on/Ice off monitoring is a simple type of lake monitoring. Volunteers simply record the date that ice completely covers the lake in the fall, and record the date that the ice is completely gone from the lake in the spring. This information is used to track changes in the open-water season, which is useful in many different types of lake-related research projects. 

Ice on/Ice off Monitoring Forms


Ice Observation Report - "Ice On" (3200-131)

Use this form to record the date of complete ice cover on your lake.


Ice Observation Report - "Ice Off" (3200-131)

Use this form to record the date that all of the ice is gone from your lake.


For a list of ALL monitoring forms, click here (exit UWEX Lakes)

Ice on/Ice off Monitoring Video and Procedures Manual


​Ice Monitoring Procedures Manual

This manual walks through how to monitor lake ice cover and report it into the SWIMS database. (PDF)

Ice Monitoring Demonstration Video

This short video walks through how to monitor ice cover, illustrates unusual ice cover circumstances, and demonstrates ice data entry into the SWIMS database.



What else can volunteers monitor?


For more information contact
Paul Skawinski, Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Educator
(715) 346-4853
Or go to
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources site
at (exit UWEX Lakes)​​​​​
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