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Rain Gardens​

Information Community-based Social Marketing

Rain gardens: a household way to improve water quality in your community
[PDF 695 KB]

A basic introduction providing information on how rain gardens help protect water quality, and general step-by-step instructions on how to build a rain garden in your yard.  Roger Bannerman et al. / UWEX (GWQ034) and WDNR (WT-731)  


Rain gardens: a guide for homeowners and landscapers
[PDF 1.5 MB]

A detailed manual that covers rain garden sizing and site, construction details and planting and maintenance. Includes 11 conceptual planting designs with plant species lists.  Kate Brunner et al. / UWEX (GQW037) and WDNR (WT-776 2018)  



Rain gardens: part of the solution to storm water problems PowerPoint
[PDF 31.39 MB]

PowerPoint on rain gardens. Prepared by: Roger Bannerman, Wisconsin Department of natural Resources (WDNR)  


Rain gardens…nature’s way to control runoff pollution PowerPoint
[PDF 13.33 MB]

PowerPoint on rain gardens. Prepared by: Patrick Goggin, UW-Extension Lakes 



Blue Thumb Planting for Clean Water program web site

A program that makes it easy for residents interested in doing their part to protect water quality to plan, purchase and plant native gardens, raingardens and shorelines with native plants.  Blue Thumb is an educational program of the Rice Creek Watershed District and other partners.  



Rain gardens for Lake Ripley watershed
[PDF 7.41 MB]

How a community-based social marketing program can promote rain gardens . Michele Cipiti; Paul Heiberger; Natalie Hunt; Jennifer Keeley; Brendon Panke; and Emily Sievers  



Rain garden native species for full to part shade rain garden plant list example
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Rain garden native plant species list for shade. Applied Ecological Services



Rain garden native species for full to partial sun rain garden plant list
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Rain garden native plant species list for sunny locations. Applied Ecological Services 



Wisconsin native plants for rain gardens
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Rain garden native plant species list. Applied Ecological Services 


Garden Expo rain garden plant information PowerPoint
[PDF 1.35 MB]

Overview of appropriate rain garden plants. Unknown 


Designing rain gardens (bio-retention areas)
[PDF 734 KB]

North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service fact sheet.  Prepared by: William F. Hunt, Extension Specialist, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, and Nancy White, Associate Extension Professor, College of Design  


Rain garden: a natural solution to runoff pollution flyer
[PDF 67 KB]

Tips and steps to designing a rain garden. Prepared by: Patrick Goggin, UW-Extension Lakes 



Rain garden plant list for the Northwoods
[PDF 56 KB]

Native plant list suitable for rain gardens. Prepared by: Patrick Goggin, UW-Extension Lakes 



Bird and butterfly garden design sheet
[PDF 316 KB]

Fact sheet from Taylor Creek restoration nurseries and native landscapes from Applied Ecological Services, Inc.  Applied Ecological Services 



Using native plants to attract butterflies and clearwing moths in the Washington, D. C. area and Virginia
[PDF 392 KB]

Attract some of the world’s loveliest pollinators by using native plants in your landscape.  Developed by: Brenda Skarphol, Curatorial Horticulturist, county of Fairfax, Virginia  


Better lawns and gardens tour - Madison, June 15, 2003 
[PDF 336 KB]

Rain gardens, chemical-free lawns and native plants; a Yahara Lakes Week event.  Dane County Lakes & Watershed Commission; Greater Madison Healthy Lawn Team, Inc.; Madison Audubon Society ; and The Arboretum University of Wisconsin–Madison   



Rain gardens of west Michigan: saving the Great Lakes one garden at a time
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We hope the tips and information in this publication will be helpful to you in the process of creating a rain garden.  Rain Gardens of West Michigan  



High Lake, Vilas County pictures
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Pictures from a rain garden in Vilas County. Vilas County. 


Rain garden flyer
[PDF 310 KB]

Background informational flyer on rain gardens from Canada. Greater Vancouver Regional District  




Native plants for gardens, rain gardens and shoreline stabilization
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Native plant list suitable for rain gardens. Blue Thumb program 




Rain barrels
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Rain barrel use and set up guidelines. Created by: The Green Frog Company with info from the Eau Claire Area Master Gardener Association  



Rain garden design and installation PowerPoint
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Overview PowerPoint on the designing and installation of rain gardens. Applied Ecological Services 


Rain garden design sheet
[PDF 377 KB]

Design sheet for rain gardens. Applied Ecological Services 


Build your own rain garden
[PDF 1.63 KB]

Tip sheet for rain garden design and installation. Applied Ecological Services 




Rain garden for dry to medium soils and full sun
[PDF 494 KB] 

Diagram of a rain garden designed for a location with medium soils and full sun. Jennifer Baker, Senior Ecologist, Prairie Nursery, Inc.  


Rain gardens: managing roof runoff in your backyard

Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series.  State of Maine, Department of Environmental Protection 



Rain gardens making a beautiful difference! sign
[PDF 4.47 MB]

Educational sign on rain gardens. University of Wisconsin-Extension 


Guide to rural living rain gardens
[PDF 88 KB]

Fact sheet. University of Minnesota Extension Service et al. 



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