Erosion Control / Bioengineering
Shoreline Stabilization: A guide for homeowners and conservationists on inland lakes and flowages
[leave Extension Lakes website]
Author: Bruce Wilson, USDA-NRCS Water & Climate Center, Portland, Oregon.
Streambank and Shoreline Protection.
[PDF 96 KB]
Author: Bruce Wilson, USDA-NRCS Water & Climate Center, Portland, Oregon.

Brush/Hedge Brush Layering Step-by-Step.
[PDF 986 KB]
A. G. Hoffman
A Citizen’s Guide to Maintaining Stormwater Best Management Practices: For Homeowners Associations and Property Owners.
[PDF 379 KB]
October 2004. Lake County Stormwater Planning Commission,
Coir Logs Step-by-Step.
[PDF 740 KB]
2005. A. G. Hoffman
Controlling runoff and erosion from your waterfront property: a guide for landowners
[PDF 997 KB]
Calculate how much water runoff your property creates and reduce it. WDNR
Controlling runoff and erosion from your waterfront property: a guide for Burnett County property owners.
[PDF 408 KB]
July 2006. Burnett County.

How Can I Stabilize My Shoreline to Prevent Erosion?
[PDF 824 KB]
Source: University of Minnesota Extension Service Faculty.
Dormant Cuttings.
[PDF 978 KB]
2005. A. G. Hoffman
Dripline trench: managing roof runoff on homes without gutters.
[PDF 222 KB]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
Drywells: managing roof runoff from homes with gutters.
[PDF 271]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
Chapter 16 Streambank and Shoreline Protection.
[PDF 7.79 MB]
March 14, 2000. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation
Wisconsin Supplement Engineering Field Handbook Chapter 16 Streambank and Shoreline Protection.
[PDF 11.8 MB]
February 2009. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation
Erosion control mix: mulching to stabilize and enrich the soil.
[PDF 198 KB]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
A property owners guide for protecting and managing shorelands in Bayfield County
[PDF 2.48 MB]
This guide is intended to provide information about shoreland regulations in Bayfield County, assist you in what to consider when buying shoreland property, and how to better manage these delicate natural systems through sound environmental practices. Bayfield County Zoning Administration
Shoreline buffer restoration: a guide for landowners
[PDF 655 KB]
The landowner guidebook is designed to help you restore your shoreline buffer. It includes a summary of county buffer standards; instructions for preparing the site, planting, and maintaining the buffer; and information about plant selection and sources of plants, seeds, and supplies. Burnett County Land and Water Conservation Department, Siren, WI May 2008
Shoreland restoration guide
[PDF 31.27 MB]
A guide for helping to restore and protect shoreline buffers. Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and iron Counties Land and Water Conservation Departments
Waupaca County shoreland protection manual
[PDF 768 KB]
A guide to developing and caring for waterfront property . Produced by University of Wisconsin Extension for Waupaca County
Shoreland property booklet
[PDF 1.59 MB]
A guide for environmentally sound ownership. A publication of the Southeast Wisconsin Fox River Basin Partnership Team, University of Wisconsin–Extension, and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Erosion Control for Home Builders.
[PDF 298 KB]
GWQ001 DNR WT-457-96 and R-1-00-10M-25-S. Author: Carolyn Johnson, UW–Extension.
Grass Rolls step-by-step.
[PDF 1.72 MB]
2005. A. G. Hoffman
Infiltration steps: controlling erosion on steep paths.
[PDF 257 KB]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
Infiltration trench: managing runoff from rooftops and paved areas.
[PDF 247 KB]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
Live staking: Stabilizing the Banks of Streams, Rivers, and Lakes.
[PDF 255 KB]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
Live staking step-by-step.
[PDF 666 KB]
2005. A. G. Hoffman
Live Bundle (Fascine) step-by-step.
[PDF 0.99 MB]
2005. A. G. Hoffman
Streambank and shoreline protection 580
[PDF 131KB]
State standard for streambank and shoreline protection in Wisconsin. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) / Standards Oversight Committee (SOC)
Shoreland habitat 643A
[PDF 31KB]
State standard for shoreland habitat restoration in Wisconsin. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) / Standards Oversight Committee (SOC)
Streambank and shoreline protection manual
[PDF 1.77 MB]
Reviews the techniques for restoring and protecting banks of streams, lakes, estuaries, and excavated channels against scour and erosion by using vegetative plantings, soil bioengineering, and structural systems. Produced January 2002, Lake County Stormwater Management Commission, Lake County Planning, Building and Development Department U.S.D.A. - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Lake shoreline riprap: stabilizing severe erosion on lakefronts.
[PDF ]
Part of the Conservation Practices for Homeowners Factsheet Series, Maine DEP. Portland Water District.
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