Background Information

Shoreland stewardship series: a fresh look at shoreland restoration
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Describes options for restoring shoreland habitat. UWEX (GWQ027)
DNR (FH-429 2014)
Describes options for protecting and restoring shorelands. UWEX (GWQ038)
DNR (WT-748 2014)
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Describes options for protecting our living shorelands. UWEX (GWQ039)
DNR (WT-764 2014)
This colorful, comprehensive brochure describes the importance of shoreline habitat and good water quality, as well as things waterfront property owners can do to help fish and wildlife. WDNR PUB-FH-428 00
If you are thinking about buying waterfront property in Wisconsin, this guide is meant for you. A little time invested in learning about waterfront living will pay back sizable dividends in matching your expectations to the realities. DNR PUB WT-909 2009 and UWEX PUB GWQ 053
Provides information about purchasing, protecting, and enhancing your waterfront property.
Describes 10 simple shoreland stewardship practices. WDNR/UWEX WT-0821-2005
Through the looking glass: a field guide to aquatic plants - Second Edition
This delightful, large-format field guide to aquatic plants in North America is accessible and inviting to general readers, yet detailed enough for use by botanists and natural resource managers. Susan Borman, Robert Korth, and Jo Temte / Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
Outlines why natural shorelines help protect water quality and wildlife habitat, and introduces how shoreland
property owners can restore natural functions to their shorelines.
Shoreland restoration PowerPoint
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Overview on shoreland restoration from UW-Extension. UW-Extension
Talking points/notes -shoreland restoration program
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Talking points for the shoreland restoration PowerPoint listed above. Developed by: John Haack & Sheri Snowbank UW-Extension
Northern initiatives lakes & shorelands
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Strategies and goals for protecting northern Wisconsin lakes, rivers and shorelands. PUB-FH-427 97
Wisconsin biology technical note 1: shoreland habitat
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Provides an overview on creating a shoreland restoration plan. Natural Resources Conservation Service Standards Oversight Committee (SOC)
Limnology 101 PowerPoint
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Limnological 101 information conveyed through a PowerPoint presentation. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
Educating Young People about Water
Offers links to guides and water curricula in an on-line database to provide assistance for developing a community-based, youth water education programs. University of Wisconsin-Extension
Water on the Web (WOW)
Helps college and high school students understand and solve real-world environmental problems using advanced technology. Funded by the National Science Foundation from 1997 to 2005
Understanding lake data
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This guide was written to help people understand information about lake water quality and to interpret lake data. By: Byron Shaw, Christine Mechenich, and Lowell Klessig / G3582
Fish friendly culverts
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Proper design, installation, and maintenance of fish culverts is described. John Haack, St. Croix Basin Natural Resources Educator, UW-Extension
Shoreland development density and impervious surfaces
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Describes on they each affect water resources and how much is too much for our lakes and streams. Center for Land Use Education
Shoreline restoration: lakeshore owner guide book
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Guidebook for lakeshore property owners from northern Wisconsin. Leaning Pine Native Landscapes
Managing the water’s edge: making natural connections
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The purpose of this document is to help protect and restore water quality, wildlife, recreational opportunities, and scenic beauty. Principal Author: Tom Slawski with help from other Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission staff
Managing Wisconsin’s forested shorelands
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Provides general information about shoreland management rules as they relate to forested shorelands in private ownership. WT-723-2001
Lakescaping for wildlife and water quality
Learn how to landscape your shoreline property to prevent shoreline erosion, restore wildlife habitat, wildflowers and clean water. By: Carrol L. Henderson, Carolyn J. Dindorf, Fred J. Rozumalski
Near shore and under water: the wet world where we work
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February 2001 issue from Wisconsin natural resources magazine By: Mike Staggs, WDNR
Sensible shoreland lighting
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Reducing light pollution on shoreland. Information on new lighting technologies that can deliver good illumination, provide security, save money and reduce light pollution without competing with the beauty of the night. By: David S. Liebl & Robert Korth University of Wisconsin–Extension
The shore primer: a cottager's guide to a healthy waterfront
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Prairies edition of cottager's guide from Canada. Produced by Cottage Life in association with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
The shore primer: a cottager's guide to a healthy waterfront
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Ontario edition of cottager's guide from Canada. Produced by Cottage Life in association with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Restore your shore
A guide to protecting and restoring the natural beauty of your shoreland. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Preserving and restoring natural shorelines
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This fact sheet provides information on the importance of shoreline vegetation and where you can get help to restore your shoreline and others in your community. Extension Notes Ontario, ISSN 1198-3744
Protecting Michigan's vanishing native lakeshore
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Michigan factsheet. Written by Howard Wandell, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Lois Wolfson, Institute of Water Research and Jane Herbert, Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University;
Re-establishing native shoreland vegetation
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Adapted with permission from Shoreline Buffer Restoration: A Guide for Landowners; Written by Harmony Environmental, for Burnett County Land & Water Conservation Department, 2006. 9/07 Lower Long Lake Protection & Rehabilitation District (LLLPRD) / The Green Frog Co.
Effects of pier shading on littoral zone habitat and communities in Lakes Ripley and Rock, Jefferson County, Wisconsin
[PDF 801 KB]
Evaluation of direct and indirect effects of pier shading on aquatic systems. PUB-SS-1006 2005 / Paul J. Garrison, David W. Marshall, Laura Stremick-Thompson, Patricia L. Cicero, and Paul D. Dearlove.
Coming to grips with growth
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October 1998 issue from Wisconsin natural resources magazine By: Jim Bishop, Jr..
Nature's example: learning through ecosystem management
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December 1996 issue from Wisconsin natural resources magazine WDNR
The Green Book from the bay
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An illustrated guidebook for Chesapeake Bay critical area property owners living on Maryland’s eastern shore. Native Seed Publishing
Lake and stream corridor owners’ guide for riparian buffer establishment
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Water quality improvement, wildlife habitat and stream bank stabilization measures are discussed. Southeast Michigan RC&D Council
Watershed: an action guide to improving Maine's waters
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An action guide to help landowner's improve Maine waters. State of Maine
Chesapeake Bay riparian handbook: a guide for establishing and maintaining riparian forest buffers
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A guide for establishing and maintaining riparian forest buffers United States Department of Agriculture NA-TP-02-97
For Your Lake’s Sake
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Cabin Life article. By: Brady Slater.
Aitkin County shoreland homeowner’s guide to lake stewardship
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Homeowner's guide to lake living from Minnesota. Aitkin County Environmental Services/ Planning & Zoning Department,/County Soil and Water Conservation District, and Big Sandy Area Lakes Watershed Management Project, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
How we abuse the shoreline…and why? PowerPoint
[PDF 9.2 MB]
PowerPoint from EPA conference on shorelands in April 2009. Presenter; Bill Jones School of Public & Environmental Affairs Indiana University
Shoreland protection: the importance of riparian buffers
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The importance of shoreline buffers is discussed. A chapter from the New Hampshire document Innovative Land use Planning Techniques: a handbook for sustainable development.
Improving your shoreland
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Learn how you can protect and improve water quality while maintaining a healthy and attractive shoreline. University of Minnesota Extension University of Minnesota Water Resources Center Minnesota Sea Grant
Lakescaping and shoreland restoration web site
Main web page for Minnesota DNR. Minnesota DNR
Tree management on your lakeshore property PowerPoint
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PowerPoint presentation on forest management options for shoreland property owners. Jason Fischbach UWEX Agriculture Agent Ashland and Bayfield County
Landowner’s guide to lake stewardship
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A guide to lake stewardship from Minnesota. Crow Wing County
Landscaping near the water's edge
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A guide to improving water quality in Redford, Michigan. Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Landscaping near the water’s edge
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Guide for local residents of Washtenaw, Michigan. Washtenaw County’s Drain Commissioner, Janis Bobrin.
LEA homeowner’s guide
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Practical ways to protect your investment and Maine’s lakes. Lakes Environmental Association, Bridgton, Maine.
The Massachusetts lake and pond guide
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Protection ideas for Massachusetts's waters are offered. Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Lakes and Ponds Program
Naturalizing your shoreline
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Short answers to frequently asked questions about naturalizing your shoreline. Minnesota Shoreland Management resource guide.
Minnesota shoreland management resource guide web site
Resources for Minnesota shoreland property owners are discussed on this state web site. Cindy Hagley, Minnesota Sea Grant and Barb Liukkonen, Water Resources Center University of Minnesota
Riparian area management: a citizen's guide
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Details successful stream management practices suitable for Illinois. Lake County Stormwater Management Commission
Riparian buffer width, vegetative cover, and nitrogen removal effectiveness
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A review of current science and regulations by the EPA. EPA/600/R-05/118 October 2005
Design recommendations for riparian corridors and vegetated buffer strips
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ERDC TN-EMRRP-SR-24 document. By: Richard A. Fischer and J. Craig Fischenich, April 2000
Riparian restoration
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U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Technology & Development Program / By: Ellen Eubanks, Landscape Architect United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service / 2300 Recreation Mgmt August 2004 0423 1201—SDTDC
Sensible shoreline development
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A guide for shoreland homeowners in northern Michigan. Tipp of the Mitt Watershed Council resource publication
Shoreland buffer areas; woodsman spare that tree!
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Fact sheet #4 of the Shoreland Management and Lake Classification Series. Drafted by Tamara Dudiak, UWEX-Lake Specialist.
The shore primer - Ontario edition
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A cottager's guide to a healthy waterfront from Canada. Produced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada in association with Cottage Life
Shoreland education web site
University of Minnesota Extension web site for shoreland education. University of Minnesota Extension
Understanding lake ecology
Resources for Minnesota shoreland property owners are discussed on this state web site. Cindy Hagley, Minnesota Sea Grant and Barb Liukkonen, Water Resources Center University of Minnesota
Shoreline development and Wisconsin's future: balancing a healthy economy with a healthy environment
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October 7, 1998 conference summary. Wisconsin Environmental Initiative
Conserving wildlife in Maine's shoreland habitats
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Maine Audubon booklet. Researched and written by Robert R. Bryan, Maine Audubon forest and wetlands ecologist, and Barbara Charry, Maine Audubon wildlife biologist.
Shoreland management publications order form
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Order form for Wisconsin shoreland management publications. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Shoreland restoration: getting to the “roots” of the issue PowerPoint
[PDF 2.22 MB]
PowerPoint from EPA conference on shorelands in April 2009. Presenter; Mary Blickenderfer, Ph.D. Associate Extension Educator University of Minnesota
Environmental functions of a natural shoreline PowerPoint
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PowerPoint from EPA conference on shorelands in April 2009. Presenter; Mary Blickenderfer, Ph.D. Associate Extension Educator University of Minnesota
Shoreline alterations: natural buffers and lakescaping
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Describes things you can do to have a more natural shoreline. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Shoreline protection and restoration
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A northwest Florida homeowner's guide. A publication of the Northwest Florida Water Management District
Landscaping at the water's edge and soils: why they matter to revegetation and erosion control work PowerPoint
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PowerPoint from EPA conference on shorelands in April 2009. Presenter: Patrick Goggin, UW-Extension Lakes
The economics of shoreland protection
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Background information on the economics of shoreline protection and research is provided. Wisconsin DNR
The lake in your community
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Describes lake ecology, lake problems and solutions, citizen roles in lake protection, benefits and costs of lake management. UW-Extension G3216 / Author(s): Lowell L. Klessig, Nicolas W. Bouwes, Douglas A. Yanggen
The role of riparian areas
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Guidebook on the role of riparian areas in Alaska. Nancy Greiner / Alaska Department of Fish and Game
The value of good water quality and shoreland management
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UW-Extension Lakes factsheet. Drafted by Tamara Dudiak, UWEX-Lake Specialist
Tips for purchasing and building on shoreland property
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Provides tips on choosing a cabin in Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension Service Faculty
What is a shoreland buffer?
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Background information on shoreland buffers. GWQ028 / DNR FH-429-00 / University of Wisconsin–Extension
Why yardscape?
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Provides reasons to do eco-friendly yardscaping activities in Maine. Paul.B.Schlein / University of Maine Cooperative Extension et al.
Go au naturale PowerPoint
[PDF 4.56 MB]
Overview of structural and plant components to consider to enhance wildlife on your property. By: Patrick Goggin
Let's enjoy / let's talk poster
Poster illustrating the difference between eco-friendly shoreline and a shoreline that could improve. Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
Water quality protection
[PDF 482 KB]
Water quality protection factsheet. Rhode Island Department of Health