About CITL


The Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning’s (CITL’s) mission is to cultivate a vibrant campus community committed to student learning within a culture of inclusivity and diversity.

Who do we work with to achieve our mission?
We work with all members of the UWSP teaching and learning community who provide academic instruction to students in classroom and non-classroom settings. We also partner with administrators at all levels to help advance unit-, college-, and campus-level initiatives related to teaching and learning.

What do we do to achieve our mission?
We provide holistic teaching support, course and program design support, and instructional technology support.

How do we achieve our mission?
We provide professional and personal development of the teaching and learning community by providing opportunities for them to:

  • critically reflect on the teaching practices
  • increase equity in their teaching praxis
  • align course components to promote the achievement of learning outcomes
  • make evidence-based instructional decisions
  • use instructional technology to enhance student learning
  • develop professional relationships that enhance teaching


The Center of Inclusive Teaching and Learning believes that effective pedagogy and inclusive pedagogy are inextricably linked. Therefore, we advocate for the use of pedagogical strategies that help all students learn, regardless of the course topic or format. We accomplish this through three modes:


The Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning works to foster community among all those who contribute to the pedagogical mission of UW-Stevens Point. To that end, we believe that all members of the community have valuable perspective to offer, and that part of our role is to include and help our campus community respond to these diverse perspectives and the needs that they generate, as well as helping us all to reflect on our own participation in a culture of inclusive teaching and learning.


The Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning exists to support faculty and staff in creating a more pedagogically effective and inclusive environment for UW-Stevens Point students. This support is provided in a way that respects academic freedom and disciplinary conventions while also encouraging innovation and evidence-based practice. This has the bi-partite goal of making work more rewarding for those who contribute to the pedagogical mission on our campus while also enhancing student learning so that all members of UW-Stevens Point, regardless of their role, are beneficiaries of our work.


The Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning adheres to a belief in scholarly teaching--that is, using evidence-based practices to enhance student learning, approaching one’s own teaching through an inquisitive, scholarly lens, and disseminating results to enhance others’ expertise. We commit to supporting and encouraging this approach for all members of the UW-Stevens Point teaching and learning community. Ethical Statement:

In compliance with the POD Network Ethical Guidelines, CITL staff commit to:
  1. provide services to everyone within their mandate, provided that they are able to serve all clients responsibly;
  2. treat clients fairly, respecting their uniqueness, their fundamental rights, dignity and worth, and their right to set objectives and make decisions;
  3. maintain appropriate boundaries in the relationship, avoid exploiting the relationship in any way, and be clear with themselves and their clients about their specific role;
  4. protect all privileged information, obtaining informed consent from clients before using or referring publicly to client cases in such a way that the client could be identified;
  5. continue service only as long as the client is benefiting, discontinue service by mutual consent, and suggest other resources to meet needs they cannot or should not address.



All individual consultations are voluntary and confidential.
  • Individual Consultation topics include but are not limited to:
  • Student feedback
  • Course design
  • Assignment design
  • Teaching methods
  • SoTL
  • Active learning
  • Classroom environment
  • Inclusive teaching
  • Technology
  • Unit Consultations
  • Curriculum revision and design
  • Program assessment
  • Department retreats

Online Learning
  • Canvas Support
  • Online/Hybrid course design support
  • Online Course and Program Development Grants

Professional Development
  • Grants for teaching development
  • Support for Faculty College
  • Annual Teaching Conference
  • Support for pedagogy and inclusivity-related programming across campus
  • Online and hard copy resources on pedagogical best practices
  • Guidance on SoTL research

  • Campus-wide workshops
  • Custom workshops

Extended Programming
  • Campus-wide book groups
  • Custom book groups at the request of a department or college
  • Learning Communities
  • Course Design Institutes