Opportunity Summary
The University of Wisconsin System invites applications and nominations
for the position of Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
(UWSP). This leader will succeed Dr. Bernie L. Patterson, who will be retiring
in December 2020 after 10 years of distinguished service as Chancellor.
Established in 1894, UW-Stevens Point is one of 11 comprehensive
universities in a public higher education system that also includes two
doctoral institutions and a statewide Extension. UW-Stevens Point enrolls
approximately 8,300 undergraduate and graduate students across three
campuses, with locations in Stevens Point, Marshfield and Wausau.
UW-Stevens Point campuses offer a welcoming, supportive atmosphere
focused on student success. While there are many reasons to choose
UW-Stevens Point, most often repeated by students and employees alike
are statements such as “It feels like home” and “I knew my voice would
be heard.” Faculty and staff are committed and energetic, doing whatever
is needed to help students reach their goals and discover their purpose.
The result is a UW-Stevens Point community that loves their university,
shows excitement and enthusiasm about their programs and builds strong
relationships with each other.
Learn more about this opportunity in the Chancellor Search prospectus.