Quest: Frequently Asked Questions 


Is there a fee to posting jobs through the Student Involvement and Employment Office’s online job database?
No, we do not charge employers or individuals to list jobs on our website .

How are students notified about current job openings?
UWSP students are able to view all current job openings on our website. They are also able to create a profile and receive new job openings via email if the job fits certain criteria that the student has selected such as on-campus, summer employment, food service or child care.

Do I need to list a wage for a job posting?
Yes, it is required that a wage is listed before the job is able to seen by students. If you are unsure about the specific wage, you must enter at least a wage that you can guarantee to pay the student that meets Wisconsin’s minimum wage requirement. 

Can I post a commission based position?
No, we do not post commission based positions on our online job database. There must be a guaranteed wage.

Can I list a full-time job on the Student Involvement and Employment Office’s online job database?
We only list part-time jobs during the academic school year. We do post full-time temporary summer positions. Please note these positions are targeted towards currently enrolled UWSP students. If you are looking to post full-time positions for students seeking employment after graduation, contact Career Services at 715-346-3226

Am I able to view my job posting?
Unfortunatly, only on campus employers have access to view their job posting(s). However, if you fill out a job request form or contact us via phone you are able to indicate that you would like a preview of your posting.


What happens with the posting after I hire a student?

Job postings are active on our website for increments of 3 weeks. When the job is set to expire after 3 weeks, we will call you to ask if you would like to close or extend the posting. We also ask if you have hired any students. You can call our office any time if you want to clost the posting early or extend it longer.

Do I need to provide you information about my student hires?

Yes, if you do hire a UWSP student, we ask that you help us track our success. Our office offers job posting services free of charge through a federal program. When a UWSP student fills a position posted through our office, we are obligated to record their name, start date, end date (if applicable), wage per hour and the number of hours worked per week. We compile this information in an aggregate report at the end of the fiscal year, with employer and employee names excluded. This information is only used to track our success in connecting students to jobs and to guarantee our office funding for the following year. Individual students and employer information is confidential and is not released to anyone outside our office.