Scholarships and Awards

Awards Attendees
During the Spring semester of each year, usually in April, the Department of Psychology holds its annual awards program and banquet. During this program several events of importance to students take place. The Psi Chi International Honor Society holds an initiation ceremony, officers of the Psychology Club, Psychology Peer Mentoring Program, and Psi Chi are recognized, and the department presents awards in several categories to promising students.

The Department of Psychology offers six major individual awards and one major scholarship award. In addition to these major awards, three types of departmental awards are available to students: Junior and Senior Merit, Service and Research Awards. The Merit Awards are for academic achievement only. The Service and Research Awards are for activities other than academic performance alone, but eligibility still requires a respectable level of academic achievement.

In order to be eligible for awards, students who are first or second semester Juniors must have completed a minimum of 16 credits in psychology and first or second semester Seniors must have completed a minimum of 21 psychology credits. Students must also fill out and return by the deadline the Psychology Student Awards Application Form that is e-mailed to all psychology majors late in the fall semester, usually November.

Click here to view the dollar amounts and additional information for the awards.

Academic Awards

Lloyd Beck Award: Given to a Junior Psychology Major with the highest GPA in Psychology

Jack Holmes Award:
Given to a Junior Psychology Major with the highest overall GPA

Albert Harris Award:
Given to a Senior Psychology Major with the highest GPA in Psychology

Frank Spindler Award:
Given to a Senior Psychology Major with the highest overall GPA

Junior and Senior Academic Merit Awards:
Four awards given to those students of Junior status and four to students with Senior status with the highest GPAs in Psychology.

Research Awards

Research Awards: Eight research awards are given to eligible students who have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5, have been nominated by a faculty member, and have participated in at least 3 credit hours or the equivalent (cumulative) of supervised research with a minimum B+ grade. If a student has previously won a research award, then the student must have undergone at least 3 additional credit hours or the equivalent (cumulative) of supervised research with a minimum B+ grade.

Hamid Hekmat Research Award: Given to either a Junior or Senior student with a minimum Psychology GPA of 3.0 with the best overall record of activities in the area of research. Particular emphasis will be placed on psychology research projects, significant involvement in research, and independent projects. However, involvement in a research team or research projects led by an instructor will be considered as well.

Service and Leadership Awards

Service Awards: Eight service awards are given to eligible Juniors and Seniors who have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 and who have demonstrated continual and regular service to at least three different organizations or have engaged in prolonged service to one organization, with exceptional contributions for three different areas/events within the organization. Individuals must demonstrate active participation in the club by naming their specific contribution to the various events/organizations, along with their estimated hours of participation. If a student has previously won a service award, then the student must again demonstrate continual and regular service to at least three different organizations, since the previous award.

L. Wayne Lerand Award for Student Leadership in Psychology: Given to either a Junior or Senior student with a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 with the best overall record of activities in the area of student leadership. Preference will be given to students who hold leadership positions throughout all levels of service, to include the department, the university, and the community. This award is based on actual leadership positions, not simply membership.

Douglas Henderson Award for Service:
Given to either a Junior or Senior student with a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 with the best overall record of activities in the area of service. Preference will be given to students who are service-oriented to include the department, the university, and the community. Particular emphasis will be placed on unpaid/volunteer service and service impact. This award will be based upon actual service provided, not simply membership (leadership roles are not necessary).

Dennis Elsenrath Scholarship: This monetary scholarship is awarded to a Continuing Student of at least Junior status with a minimum overall GPA of 3.25 who shows promise for independent scholarly work. The recipient must also have demonstrated initiative to improve the quality of life outside the classroom, held leadership positions in student housing programs, student organizations or community service groups, and can articulate a coherent leadership philosophy. In addition, recipients must demonstrate service to others through paid or volunteer experiences and demonstrate a commitment to personal growth, integrity, and quality relationships with others. A separate application for this award is circulated in the early part of the Spring semester, usually February