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Welcome to the Wisconsin Lakeshore Restoration Project portal


Gives background information on the project and other details on its origin and history
Describes the study design and the different parameters explored by the project

Supplies a listing of references, research papers, and other scientific literature on assorted lakeshore habitat assessments

Lists the NE Wisconsin partners involved in this project and some of the economic affects it had locally

​Shares examples of different inland lakeshore habitat restoration best practices, erosion control treatments, stormwater control work, and water conservation strategies utilized in this project

Lessons Learned
Reviews lessons learned during the course of this project

Project Press
Provides links to press on this project and published peer-reviewed journal papers gleaned from the research

Offers selected photographs of before and after pictures taken at project sites

Outreach Tips
Furnishes information and resources needed by lake communities for assembling, coordinating, and delivering a lakeshore habitat restoration program in your area

The lakeshore restoration movement

For many of us, lakeshores represents the sweep of one’s heart, a place filled with memories of growing up, catching fish, watching frogs, and whiling away the sweet summer days. However, during the past few decades especially, the over domestication of our lakeshores has altered their character in damaging ways.  But do not despair, change is afoot!

People around Wisconsin and beyond have been rethinking what is best for the lakes and for their families. They are taking on the task of restoring their lakeshores to a more natural look.  Lake residents and organizations, natural resource agencies from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to local land conservation districts to tribal partners, energy companies, and businesses such as resorts and restaurants, all have embraced the idea of restoring lakeshore habitat.  A lot of great things can come from this effort.

Reestablished native trees, shrubs, grasses, wildflowers, and other plants improve wildlife habitat so there is more for our families to enjoy.  These natural areas along lakeshores enhance water quality, helping our lakes become healthier and more satisfying for everyone. Often lakeshore restoration projects form teams, including local contractors, nurseries, consultants, and others specializing in habitat restoration and erosion control work.  Miles of lakeshores have been returned to a more naturalized character, with the full complement of healthier soil, fallen leaves and other organic material building in the groundlayer.  Projects grow towards well established, diverse herbaceous layers.  Over time, a rich groundlayer of ferns, grasses, sedges, rushes, and wildflowers grows in underneath a unique shrub layer and understory tree layer of smaller samplings.  Above, a fuller canopy layer also grows. Together, this suite of native vegetation adds to the lakes ecosystem, improving the structural beauty, functionality, and habitat value of the shoreline.

Lakeshore property owners who participate in habitat restoration by installing assorted best practices on their land are giving back to their lake and helping to address the number one stressor to lakes - the loss of lakeshore habitat.

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents